What do we do with the sadness?

Any lightworker living up to their title has experienced sadness this year – from occasional blues to deep, dark depression. That may surprise people. The stereotype of lightworkers being in a constant state of light and love is just that – a stereotype. To those who think we’re blissed out and blinded by the light […]

Reaching Zero Point on 11/11/11: amplification of thought

The end of the Mayan calendar brings us to the top of the pyramid. The gateway at the top of the structure represents the last step in our evolution out of this realm: the doorway to higher dimensions.  The gateway is activated on 11/11/11, which means humanity has the opportunity to walk right through into […]

Creativity as a bridge during thinning of the veils

Anyone who has experienced the Creator State of consciousness – that portal which transcends space and time, when you lose connection to the 3D world and surrender to the life of your art – has seen a glimpse of their own multidimensionality. As the veils become their thinnest through the 11/11/11, we can utilize creativity […]

Final days of the calendar and the 11-11-11

The last days of the Mayan Calendar are here. Day 7 lasts from October 11 – 28, 2011, and then is quickly followed by the 11/11/11 gateway. October 11 – 28: DNA window Many teachers and leaders of the ascension process have mentioned that the gates for DNA encoding will close at the end of […]

Symptoms, strange phenomenon and preparations

We’re in the final five weeks leading up to the first wave of ascension, and the final days of the Mayan Calendar as well. Just 3 weeks until the October 28, 2011! Symptoms and phenomenon of the October energy Shift Some days may feel like suspended animation; a side effect of the collapse of time […]

The Blue Kachina: how much can you handle?

Blue Kachinas, Comet El Enin, and Feathered Serpents arriving Humans love a good story as well as a perceivable sign of promise, and the magic time of comets, stars and end of days is here at last. But this window of time is not about seeing these symbols in the external world. These long-prophesized symbols […]

Night 5: Destruction clears the path to freedom

You are magnificent, you can handle all of these changes and more. Night 5 begins tomorrow (August 18 – September 4) and the Sun is broadcasting even stronger evolutionary light waves. Night 5 is themed destruction so stay aware of what brings up any vibration of fear or worry. What is left to move up […]

Day 5 of the final wave of the Mayan Calendar

In my previous article on Carl Calleman, I explained that the Mayan calendar tracks the evolution of consciousness over the last 16 billion years.  Now we are in the final wave of the last step of the list amazing pyramid of consciousness.  We reach the top of this pyramid/end of the calendar on October 28, […]


After the hyper-clearing triple eclipses of June and the amplifications during July, it should be obvious to most lightworkers that we’re being stripped of the last bits of ego, fear and self judgment. My divine entourage arranged for me to be alone for the past five days, during which I’ve done a fasting cleanse and […]

Lightworker Frustrations

You have probably seen enough What is a Lightworker or Are you a Lightworker articles to last through the Shift. For my purposes here, I AM referring to the people who find assisting humankind and the Earth an irresistible, insatiable drive in their lives. Once awakened, the urgency to help raise the vibration of the planet and her […]