Open to the Equinox-Eclipse Transformation

Blessings Beloveds ~

Gratitude to all of the beautiful Souls who learned how to interact with the many types of plasma involved in our Ascension during our PRESENCE event last weekend.

It was a true Ascension Masterclass, explaining in detail what plasma is, the different types, and how it affects our Ascension. Many of us are still integrating the connection with Cosmic Mother Plasma (myself included … my goodness what a strong activation.)

This new relationship with Cosmic Mother Plasma – the ultimate plasma field of new creation – feels very profound in the body, mind, DNA, and heart. This vast field influences all other forms of plasma, and the direct reconnection with Mother Plasma is quite powerful.

Perfect preparation as we enter the Equinox-Eclipse passage.

Equinox – Eclipse Gateway: Profound Realm Shift, Choice Points, and Revelation of New Creation

Into the Equinox – Eclipse passage we glow. The energy shift in mid-April is a direct result of the cosmic events, magnetic shifts, plasma influxes, and consciousness-raising activities of the next few weeks.

A grand window of opportunity for Ascension-focused Souls. Prepare the body, mind, and emotions for organic alignment. This entire passage bolsters our choice points; be clear on what you are creating, expressing, and living as your truth and chosen reality. More guidance on this passage in the PRESENCE replay.

Equinox: Tuesday March 19 at 8:06 PM Pacific
 Daylight Time
Dramatic increase in Vital Life Force flowing through Gaia’s core and the Crystalline Grid, Gateways, and Infinite Kryst Heart/Inner SUN stargates.

Be open, focused, offline in nature as often as possible, and hold a clear field for these initial waves of light-encoded plasma influxes. Stargates open Friday March 15.

Lunar Eclipse: Monday, March 25 at 12:12 AM PDT
Amplified release of old narratives and old creations.

Solar Eclipse: Monday, April 8 at 11:17 AM PDT
Listen to your guidance on where to be for this Eclipse. Revisit the PRESENCE replay for more on this Cosmic event. I will write more about this, the opening in Vega, and the mid-April shift soon.

March PRESENCE Replay

Video and audio replays of this Masterclass in Cosmic Mother Plasma are available. Receive the replays HERE

PRESENCE Collective option still available. This includes all eight events, meditations, guidebooks, access to the private online community space and bonus collective zoom events. Use the code COLLECTIVE at checkout to receive $40 off the package. Details HERE.

SUNday Unity Meditations: Equinox Unity

Let us amplify the pure heart vibration of Unity Consciousness and flow the new plasma into these realms on SUNday. Equinox week is here: See you in the field at 5AM, 8AM and 11AM Pacific Daylight Time. Please spread the word and encourage others to participate in this Ascension choice-point passage.

There is a time converter on the SUNday Unity Meditations page to help with the time zone changes.

Weekly Decree, private sessions, and upcoming events are below my signature.

Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,



About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.