Eclipse Season is Here: Monday release of old creations

Blessings Beloveds ~

One complete, three more energy shifts to go. After a deep core shift within Gaia during Equinox, we now move into the first eclipse next Monday.

The energy shift in mid-April is a direct result of the cosmic events, magnetic shifts, plasma influxes, and consciousness-raising activities of the next few weeks.

This is a beautiful window of opportunity for Ascension-focused Souls.

This entire passage bolsters our choice points; be clear on what you are creating, expressing, and living as your truth and chosen reality.

Lunar Eclipse: Monday, March 25 at 12:12 AM PDT

Amplified release of old narratives and old creations. If you needed a PERFECT MOMENT to release all of the old narratives of fear, your own outdated stories, habits, or beliefs … this is it.

Please apply that release to distorted or fearful stories about the upcoming April eclipse and energy shift. This is fertile soil; you reap what you sow.

Remember to convert rigid particle-based dense magnetics to flowing wave-forms. This works well with old grids, plate systems, aquifers, your heart center … all flows with ease, grace and expansion in the New Plasma. Upgrade any areas that hold fear/old patterns, both in the planet and in yourself.

Peace surprises everyone. When you feel the truth, the true self, the Presence of Infinite Creator in your heart, it can feel like a brand new energy. The expansion of Peace within the Infinite Kryst field of the activated, coherent heart feels radically different, because it has not been held by so many at once in Unity Consciousness in a very long time.

We walk together into this new state – and the unified Kryst field continues to intensify. Add the Cosmic Mother Plasma, literally activating us for Ascension to a new state of beingness, and a surprising new frequency of peace raises our hearts, DNA, and consciousness into Divine Truth. The ultimate revelation of Love is all that exists.

Create the conditions to be overwhelmed with Divine LoveLight Intelligence during this realm-shifting revelation passage in April. Use the first eclipse to release your fears or distortions created in illusion. And stop fueling distorted creations which degrade your light; Care, but don’t carry.

Solar Eclipse: Monday, April 8 at 11:17 AM PDT
Listen to your guidance on where to be for this Eclipse. More guidance in the PRESENCE replay.

March PRESENCE Replay: Cosmic Mother Plasma

Video and audio replays of this Masterclass in Cosmic Mother Plasma are available HERE

SUNday Unity Meditations: Into the Eclipse Zone

Eclipse season is here: See you in the field on SUNday at 5AM, 8AM and 11AM Pacific Daylight Time. Please spread the word and encourage others to participate in this Ascension choice-point passage.

There is a time converter on the SUNday Unity Meditations page to help with the time zone changes.

Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,



About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.