Blessings Beloved ~

I AM Sandra Walter, an Ascension Guide and Wayshower. As an active conduit for the Higher Realms since 1999, I receive and share clear, comprehensive guidance for the Ascension process.

If your intention is to experience the Divinity within and allow it transform your life, I can assist. My services provide transformative tools, classes and events.

The steps upon this path are similar; your experience of awakening is unique.  A true guide gets excited about your progress, and I genuinely celebrate your intention to explore Ascension. This is a unified operation, so the brighter you shine the brighter all of us become.

You do not have to walk this path alone. To you, beloved awakened Soul, I offer my authentic heart-centered services to assist your journey. Visit AscensionPath.com




How to Feel and Read the Field: Acceleration

How to Feel and Read the Field: Acceleration

Blessings Beloveds ~ Take a moment to tap into the Unity/Kryst/Crystalline field in this Now. Not the grids or gateways; feel the FIELD itself. Quiet the mind, into the heart. Rise above the fray of external busy-ness and collective projections. Feel the magnetics which hold denser realities in place. Can you feel them shaking, vibrating, […]

Qualify the Light: Purpose and Practice

Qualify the Light: Purpose and Practice

Qualify the Light: Definition, Purpose, and Practice Light qualification is an effective Mastery practice for Ascension. The term Qualify the Light or Qualified Light refers to the conscious, positive use of LoveLight Intelligence.⁠
⁠ During the Ascension process, we learn to be responsible creators of positive, heart-generated realities. ⁠
In our transformation to Kryst/Crystalline/Unity Consciousness, we become […]

Solstice and the Kryst Codes

Solstice and the Kryst Codes

Blessings Beloveds ~ Solstice brings us a powerful alignment of the organic Ascension stargates and Mother Plasma flows. This June passage delivers Kryst Code activation through the stargates, truly a unique gift for all Ascending hearts. You may be feeling the opening of magnetic fields within Solaris and Gaia already, connecting us with the Grand […]

PRESENCE: Solstice Shift, Kryst DNA and New Creation

PRESENCE: Solstice Shift, Kryst DNA and New Creation

Blessings Beloveds ~ June energies and a strong Solstice gateway usher in a unique harmonic, which allows our Crystalline DNA to express in a brand new way. In brief, pure Kryst codes will be flowing in the fields, and we are invited to use them to change our collective experience. We apply everything we have […]

Preparing for June Energies, Solstice and Presence

Preparing for June Energies, Solstice and Presence

Blessings Beloveds ~ May brought us brand new plasma and a core magnetic shift. Veils dissolved that will never return again; we don’t have the magentics, lower consciousness, or inorganic support to recreate them any longer. We’ve had a moment to integrate, adjust, clear, and shed quite a few layers of emotional, monadic, egoic, and […]

LightLetter: Plasma and Geostorm Integration

LightLetter: Plasma and Geostorm Integration

LightLetter May 16, 2024 Blessings Beloveds ~ There are a myriad of reactions, upgrades, changes, and experiences that come with powerful plasma influxes and exposure to cosmic rays like we had last weekend. Sustained, multi-day KP 8 + geomagnetic storms are a gift: the magnetic field opens up, and consciousness-shifting plasma flows in. We had […]

Geomagnetic Storm and New Plasma Effects

Geomagnetic Storm and New Plasma Effects

Blessings Beloveds ~ There are a myriad of reactions, upgrades, changes, and experiences that come with powerful plasma influxes and exposure to cosmic rays like we had last weekend. Sustained, multi-day KP 8 + geomagnetic storms are a gift: the magnetic field opens up, and consciousness-shifting plasma flows in. We had four days of intense […]


  • Margareta, Sweden

    Blessed be Sandra for your accomplishments! I have worked in business schools for decades, and your Ascension Path class is beyond anything out there. You have truly created a masterpiece for all categories of people at every stage of the process. You haven´t missed anything, it is truly amazing. The class has created miracles and turned my life around. I AM truly grateful!

    - Margareta, Sweden

  • C. Schilling, USA

    Sandra’s Ascension updates and gateway information always shed light on what I was experiencing … now that I am taking the Ascension Path class it is all so clear.  The tools she provides are accelerating my Ascension in an exponential way, as well as my husband’s.  As my journey quickens and the old layers drop, those around me are rising in vibration as well. We have visions and experiences that were completely unthinkable to us before; we have suddenly been placed full blown in Ascension.

    - C. Schilling, USA

  • John Andean, East Yorkshire, UK

    Ascension Path is a true masterpiece, learned in an easy step by step way (in quality video) from a beautiful human being. I now know who I AM, where I AM from and where I AM going.

    - John Andean, East Yorkshire, UK

  • K.M., USA

    Sandra’s dedication to sharing her wisdom shines through every module and meditation in this Ascension Path class. Pure, heart focussed, authentic, light teachings that have cleared, healed and created many personal shifts. A true teacher of the light my love, thanks and gratitude Sandra.

    - K.M., USA

  • John Stone, Winston GA USA

    I consider Sandra’s teachings some of the most valuable of my entire life’s learning experience. I will eternally remain grateful for her wealth of knowledge and abilities to share that knowledge in a meaningful way.

    - John Stone, Winston GA USA

  • E. Wissmann, Switzerland

    The Ascension Path is so precious to me because of the profound guidance and powerful tools. Yet, I create my own way and space, which gives me a sense of freedom and independence. The neutral clear way Sandra teaches, her competence and passion in it, are inspiring and expanding my growth.

    - E. Wissmann, Switzerland

  • Brooke, Milwaukee, WI

    There’s so much information out there that it can be mind boggling. Sandra’s Ascension class is extremely well designed and you can work at your own pace. Each module is challenging, uplifting and – most of all – filled with love. I AM truly grateful for the dedication of this gifted teacher!

    - Brooke, Milwaukee, WI

  • M. Dowsett, West Australia

    Ascension Path was the tie that bound together and made sense of the dreams, visions and moments of knowing something I couldn’t quantify prior to discovering Sandra Walter and her wonderful online class. Now things are making beautiful sense. I AM so grateful to have discovered this Path!

    - M. Dowsett, West Australia

  • Ima Nadia, Italy

    Thank you for your divine Ascension Path class. Your pure light and intention through the class has not only helped me to raise my vibration, but in doing so I had opportunities in my life I could not have had without the class. I can say I haven’t met anyone in my life who has felt as sincere and committed to  my evolution and my expansion at heart, as unconditionally as you do. It is that kind of Love that heals.

    - Ima Nadia, Italy

  • Inger, Norway

    Gratitude! Ascension Path is a profound process with incredible support through video, audio, and PDF files. The program is wise and professional. I have not found anything similar on the Internet. Thank You siSTAR Sandra!

    - Inger, Norway

  • L.Kukurba

    Sandra, I love your class! This is the best training I have ever had the privilege of taking. I found it very exciting, enriching and empowering in providing material that feeds the soul. So grateful to you for creating and sharing Ascension Path, it is what I have been yearning for my entire life (I’m not a spring chicken!)

    - L.Kukurba

  • R. Placid,  Australia

    I AM forever grateful that I was guided to your website Sandra. Ascension Path continues to offer me much helpful guidance on my path – the meditations are wonderful. If I’ve had a challenging day in this physical reality I just re-watch one of the Ascension Path videos and I AM rebalanced. Thank you for creating this class!

    - R. Placid, Australia

  • Thaís villa verde, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

    This is a profoundly transformational work. Powerful, clear, straight forward divine information for the present moment. It assisted me in a moment that I needed immediate healing and connection to Source to remember who I AM. Gratitude & deep Appreciation !

    - Thaís villa verde, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

  • K. Merryweather

    Ascension Path has given me so much clarity and a deeper understanding of the process we are going through and ways to consciously accelerate it. I AM utilizing and integrating the information and the results are fantastic. Thank you so much.

    - K. Merryweather

  • Morava, Silver City, NM, USA

    The Ascension Path class has Exponentially Supported, Accelerated and Clarified my Ascension process. Absolutely invaluable.!

    - Morava, Silver City, NM, USA

  • Gayle Salter, South Africa

    The Ascension Path is an outstanding companion on this path of unfolding, with clear and practical suggestions for active participation which supports our journey of continual expansion. I resonate deeply with Sandra’s work and with her ‘no nonsense’ approach and I respect her commitment to the service of HUmanity of the highest order. I resonate with the energy of the Initiate that she carries and I choose her voice among the many coming forward at this time as one of calm reason and clarity that rises above the rest. Blessings to you.

    - Gayle Salter, South Africa

  • L. Lindstrom, Seattle, WA, USA

    I have learned so much from Sandra Walter’s Ascension Path class, I AM amazed by how it has changed my life. The material is clearly explained and very rich. I knew less than 10 minutes in that this course is worth far more than the tuition. Thank you.

    - L. Lindstrom, Seattle, WA, USA

  • D.L., Florida, USA

    Sandra has created a training that is clear, thorough, and inspiring. If you are looking to get away from channeled messages and have a more direct ascension experience that is about You, your Higher Self and your personal guidance teams, I feel Sandra provides what you are looking for. My own choices and experiences has blossomed tenfold through this class, as well as my love of self, the planet, and and ALL of the precious life bravely and fully living out their part here at this time. Thank you Sandra.

    - D.L., Florida, USA

  • K.D., British Columbia, Canada

    One of the Clearest most Concise presentations I’ve ever had the pleasure of being involved with. Sandra truly is a Wonderful Ascension Guide, for anyone who wants the straight up information. This has helped me expand so much and I AM very grateful for the experience of working with Sandra!

    - K.D., British Columbia, Canada

  • – L.M., United Kingdom

    Sandra is the big sister to my soul.

    Her work is the blessing of one who has gone before who can share, guide, and intuit. Her work seems to partner ones own journey at each step of the way. She brings intimacy and love to a most remarkable journey. The course clearly and sensibly guides, which enables one to stay on track. Her work is the most remarkable gift to HUmanity at this time. A true authentic Wayshower, who speaks the language of love through riveting and evolutionary knowledge.

    - – L.M., United Kingdom