You are not your fears.

Fear is an obsessive monster. Fear warps the mind with a sense of weakness. Fear sustains a feeling of powerlessness and enforces self-protection. Fear devours more and more of your mind, disconnecting you from perspective, compassion and higher thoughts. Fear keeps you in an incessant loop of righteousness to protect you from illusionary evils. Fear […]

Je ne regrette rien

In the volume of stories about unexplored dreams, Grey Gardens serves well as a cautionary tale. The public fascination with the bizarre life path of the Beales is legendary. The 1975 documentary of a mother and daughter living in their decaying East Hampton home is both curious and heartbreaking. The made for TV film (which […]

Meditation and creativity

My relationship with meditation has been a lengthy affair. I’ve experimented with styles, read books about different methods, and listened to guided recordings. Recently I had a revelation that has (finally) made meditation part of my daily routine. When I look back at the intensely creative times of my life; when ideas, synchronicities and opportunities […]

Creating with Intention

I’m finishing up my Etsy shop makeover and am very excited to reveal the new look and content. The shop will focus on creating with intention, with the first series of paintings infused with visualizations for healing the Gulf oil spill. This is the first time I’ve shared the direct intentions behind my paintings. As […]

Your creative contribution changes everything

If you’re making art, you’re making a contribution to change the future. Your creative activity fuels the collective global consciousness. No act of creation goes unnoticed. Whether it’s a sculpture made in your quiet studio or a monologue rehearsed to an empty theater, your expression activates the law of attraction. Like attracts like. Your art […]

The Creator State: a theory and a novel

My first novel, The Creator State, contains a theory about the connection artists have to the collective consciousness when they create. The theory behind The Creator State is gaining credibility in the nonfiction realm with the recent discoveries in quantum physics. I’ll be writing more about that over the summer. My book explores a few […]

Empower yourself

No act of creation goes unnoticed. Whether it’s a sculpture made in your quiet studio or a monologue rehearsed to an empty theater, your  expression activates the law of attraction. Like attracts like. Your art magnetizes more creativity to your creative power with each action you take. It broadens your creative bandwidth. And what could […]

Why use the Creator State?

Reason #1 There is enough mediocrity in the arts and entertainment world. Show us the real thing! Good art is contagious; spread a killer outbreak of brilliance! Reason #2 You have a unique interpretation to share with the world. You don’t know who your work will affect; art is mystical in this way. You cannot […]

Create Now

Many people philosophize about what it means to be an artist. It’s a conversation I love to join every chance I get. No one is ever right or wrong; the meaning of art is an endless proposition. I am thrilled by the new open communication between artists and audiences. The shift from “mysterious unapproachable artist” […]