Area One: How I neutralized the New World Order

This article is part of a series. Prerequisite: Please read Transformation through Knowledge We must discern that INFORMATION is not KNOWLEDGE. My intent here is to share with you the things that allowed me to experience a level of freedom that I know (yes, know) everyone is entitled to as a human being and creator […]

Transformation through knowledge

I have always been fascinated by how we create our reality; the conscious and unconscious ways in which we interpret information. In the past few months, I have come across some information that met my standards for shocking.  Apparently I was overdue for a jaw-dropping life shake-up. While doing some research for my next book […]

So that happened …

Hello dear readers. Thank you for checking in on my blog today. I have a large amount of information to share with this tribe. As many of you know, I’ve been on a spiritual quest this year. My awakening took a few sharp turns this Fall, culminating in the infamous “dark night of the soul” […]

Precognitive Creativity

A few weeks ago, the internet was buzzing about a Simpsons episode which aired in 1997, where Lisa holds up a magazine that blatantly has a big 911 and New York on the cover. Twin Towers, New York, and the date. Weird, huh? The buzz was about an episode from this spring where a clock […]

A peaceful letter to Iran

The demise of materialism will be difficult for some. For without money, what do the greedy possess? If it all crumbles – the high rises, the wall streets, the war machine, the false values by which so many define themselves – the greedy will have lost everything. This is when the peaceful may stand upon […]

New Reality Transmission: daily thru Nov. 21st at 11:11pm EST

If you read my first novel, The Creator State, where a group of artists collectively intend to shift the reality of the world to a more peaceful place, then you know how excited I am that people are doing group efforts like this! The New Reality Transmission takes place every day for 11 days at […]

Emotional clearing and creativity

Artists are always searching for ideas, inspiration and ways to open up creative flow. Recently I took a step in my spiritual awakening that directly affected my creativity … again. It seems every step along this path of enlightenment strengthens my connection to creativity. Creation and unified consciousness are so closely intertwined with each other, […]

Activating Feminine Power: Part II

The agenda for The Keys to Feminine Power telecourse is daunting at first glance. Each week is dedicated to a Key power base: the power to change your life, realize your destiny, transform the world, awaken feminine radiance, create your future and activate your leadership. These sizeable goals are attained in 8 weeks through weekly […]

A course in Feminine Power: Part I

Note: This blog post is in two parts and contains strong opinions. I am deeply in love with the world and want what is best for our planet and its inhabitants. Please don’t assume I hate men, or I’m angry, or other nonsensical middle-mind judgments. Much gratitude. I’ve had longtime issues with being a minority […]

The Next Age artist

What is the first thing you think of when someone mentions “New Age” in a conversation? Meditating hippies? Crystals and incense? Spacey music and inspirational quotes? Getting past these stereotypes can be challenging if you’re involved in the consciousness movement (another term that brings resistance) or an artist (more labels). I’ve never been comfortable with […]