Recognizing your personal evolution

Evolutionary cycles are similar to spirals; ever-expanding coils of progression. Each level of our cyclical path does not return us to the same point where we began, but loops us into the next phase of development. I like this image, and it mimics the spiral pattern found in living matter. The ever-expanding spiral of evolution […]

This Saturday: Worldwide Intention for the Gulf

It appears we are making progress in the Gulf of Mexico. The baby step of cap-testing began this week. If it holds, and the relief well works, we are finally going to see the leak stopped. Next step: the massive cleanup and recovery of the Gulf. The healing – and the political and global movement […]

Solstice Earth Spin

Today is the Solstice “Earth Spin” event, happening wherever you are! The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill is a huge issue this year, so let’s set our sights on spinning some healthy waters. Here’s how you can participate: Create something that reflects how you want the world to be. Artists are very skilled at altering […]

Our creative evolution in these changing times

We’re seeing a shift in the way the world functions. Have you noticed this? Collaboration is permeating our global structure (mainly because of the realization of global climate change and economic instabilities; but also a growing intolerance for human suffering and violent conflicts). We have already begun a dramatic change in the global culture. As […]

Create Now

Many people philosophize about what it means to be an artist. It’s a conversation I love to join every chance I get. No one is ever right or wrong; the meaning of art is an endless proposition. I am thrilled by the new open communication between artists and audiences. The shift from “mysterious unapproachable artist” […]