This Saturday: Worldwide Intention for the Gulf

It appears we are making progress in the Gulf of Mexico. The baby step of cap-testing began this week. If it holds, and the relief well works, we are finally going to see the leak stopped. Next step: the massive cleanup and recovery of the Gulf. The healing – and the political and global movement […]

Creating with Intention

I’m finishing up my Etsy shop makeover and am very excited to reveal the new look and content. The shop will focus on creating with intention, with the first series of paintings infused with visualizations for healing the Gulf oil spill. This is the first time I’ve shared the direct intentions behind my paintings. As […]

Solstice Earth Spin

Today is the Solstice “Earth Spin” event, happening wherever you are! The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill is a huge issue this year, so let’s set our sights on spinning some healthy waters. Here’s how you can participate: Create something that reflects how you want the world to be. Artists are very skilled at altering […]