The return of the Christ

We have received the long-awaited return of crystalline consciousness. The light which came in through the 11/11/11 gateway was THE crystalline light structure known as “Christed” light – the divine light structure that will transform ourselves and our beloved Gaia back to our Christed status. This light has anchored itself within the core of the […]

Fear of the Self as God

One of the larger hurdles of the Shift is embracing the truth that we are Source. We understand the concept that we are all fragments of Source, but when it comes to consciously creating our reality, many of us struggle with ownership. We say, “I am all that is” one moment, and question why the […]

Division of realities and the jump in frequency

During the 11/11/11 alignment window, Gaia was able to make a major increase in frequency. This means she is now holding the vibration of crystalline, or Christed light, within her core; a divine step in her ascension process. As beings experiencing life on Gaia, the population of Earth will now be able to maintain that […]

Lessons earned on the mountain

I’m five weeks into my seven-week retreat in Asheville, and many experiences have amazed, baffled and tested my consciousness. I understand many of my past journeys have been about isolation in order to experience divinity; those lifetimes spent as a shaman or monk, when nothing else mattered but finding the truth. Fortunately, we don’t need […]

Using the 11/11/11 gateway

As mentioned in my previous articles Reaching Zero Point and Experiencing the Multidimensional Self, we are entering an alignment which will fully support our Ascension process in a whole new way. It may be wise to prepare, as the results of passing through this gateway are predicted to be intense. Preparations Meditation: As much as […]

What do we do with the sadness?

Any lightworker living up to their title has experienced sadness this year – from occasional blues to deep, dark depression. That may surprise people. The stereotype of lightworkers being in a constant state of light and love is just that – a stereotype. To those who think we’re blissed out and blinded by the light […]

Experiencing the Multidimensional Self

I am a overjoyed to share this article with you. The experience of accessing other dimensions and Unity Consciousness is here.  No. More. Waiting. Feel into this information; take what resonates and store the rest for later. The 11/11/11 has been heralded as a gateway, an amplification of the planetary and human ascension process. Portals […]

Reaching Zero Point on 11/11/11: amplification of thought

The end of the Mayan calendar brings us to the top of the pyramid. The gateway at the top of the structure represents the last step in our evolution out of this realm: the doorway to higher dimensions.  The gateway is activated on 11/11/11, which means humanity has the opportunity to walk right through into […]

Creativity as a bridge during thinning of the veils

Anyone who has experienced the Creator State of consciousness – that portal which transcends space and time, when you lose connection to the 3D world and surrender to the life of your art – has seen a glimpse of their own multidimensionality. As the veils become their thinnest through the 11/11/11, we can utilize creativity […]

Awakening your family, friends and colleagues

When it comes to the yearning to awaken the people around us, especially those we care about, and expose them to what is happening on the planet, we must use discernment. By stepping into your own power, your own true self, you are already acting as an amplifier for those around you. Higher vibrations always […]