Presence, Eclipse Season and DNA Repair in the Field

Blessings Beloveds ~

Fresh from the remarkable energies of the Equinox Convergence, we flow into the refining gateways of Eclipse Season.

There is a brand new energy in the field since Equinox. For many, this is activating a new trajectory to experience the higher realms of Gaia. The surreal Witness state just took on new collective level. We’ll explore this during Saturday’s PRESENCE event.

The Eclipses in October provide clarity on the choices and creations we made through the Light level jumps this year. Deep revelation of our own creations, as well as the unified ability to shift realms, energies, and trajectories faster than ever before.

PRESENCE is Saturday, October 7th from 9AM -11AM PDT.
Live online with same-day replays. ⁠

Another profound passage for deepening our Ascension experience, balancing our fields during the acceleration, and revelation of the new. We deepen our expression of the Logos, activate the next level of the Infinite Heart, and embrace the New Self as Presence.

October PRESENCE topics:⁠

– Expansion of the Logos through Star Presence: Purifying our conduit abilities by connecting with the organic Cosmic Logos
– Contact Trajectories and clarity on landing scenarios
– Energies of Eclipse Season for personal and collective choice points
– Attune the Infinite Heart to the New frequencies in the Crystalline/Kryst Field, Global Infusion of the New Light
– Support for the Witness State experience and dissolvement of the Old Self

$44 Live event with replays. ⁠
Details & registration at

SUNday Unity Meditations – New DNA Activations

We have had consistent DNA repair and activation during the last seven weeks of SUNday Unity Meditations. Vibrant DNA recalibrations appear in the field. Collective Crystalline DNA is receiving upgrades through our peaceful focus in the unified field. Yet another demonstration of how we use Unity Consciousness in the higher realms to support all concerned.

This feels purposeful as we enter higher states of Ascension, recalibrating collective Crystalline DNA templates to hold more Light.

With the activation of Mother Plasma during the Equinox, new possibilities for collective DNA repair and activation are present in the field. Use pure heart intent during our meditations together (the first two sessions are quite potent), hold the Kryst field with integrity, peace and compassion, and open to receive. Allow the Presence level to direct. Access the Convergence replays for details on the return of Mother Plasma.

Join us in the field of Unified Crystalline Hearts for our seven-year-strong Global SUNday Unity Meditations at 5AM, 8AM & 11AM PDT.

Live with Stewart Pearce on Monday

I AM honored to be a guest on Stewart Pearce’s Deep Dialogue show next Monday, October 9 at 12:30 PM PDT. Join us live or watch the replay on Stewart’s YouTube channel HERE.

I AM sending Infinite LoveLight to all as we enter the Eclipse Season. We birth new possibilities with each moment; all focus on highest trajectories for all willing hearts.

Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,



About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.