Lion Medicine and Annual Course Sale

Blessings Beloveds ~

Last Tuesday morning during my 4am mantra meditation, with the windows and doors open to the night air, a familiar sound and presence came by.

We have a large, beautiful mountain lion in the neighborhood right now, and I so wanted to see her, hear her, feel her near.

As I quietly began my meditation, she mewed twice in that surreal mountain lion voice, lept over my garden wall and stayed outside my window until I finished my prayers.

Then she gently departed without a sound.

Mountain lions have been with me many times, especially during my many years in the wilderness.

Shasta memories flowed through me; the night sky, the moonlight, the stillness, the peaceful intimacy with Gaia and the kingdoms.

Mountain Lions symbolize Truth, and their potent visits re-heart us to affirm and follow our highest path with focus, clarity and grace.

Gratitude to this Divine Being for the precious visit and confirmation. I share her energy with you in this Now.

[Lion photo by R. Thiemann]

The Annual Course Sale is On

It’s my birthday next week and I AM gifting everyone 50% off my online courses!

These comprehensive courses provide guidance, activations, and clear methods to raise your consciousness, open your heart, clear old patterns, enhance your skills, and stay balanced during intensifying energies.

All courses are 50% off through September 8. Enjoy a full year of access to any course at half price. Use the code: LIGHTNOW at checkout.

Course outlines, FAQ & more at

Let us show Humanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light, and Service,


About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.