April Wave and Three Years of Unity Meditations!

April Wave and Three Years of Unity Meditations!

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ The energies are  building (as well as the SUNspots) for the third wave of Embodiment frequencies, arriving April 15-19 and flowing through the beginning of May. This is preparation for a stronger Embodiment experience (yes, even stronger, even more mystical) and the next crystalline grid activation April 25-29. The week […]

SUNday Global Unity Meditations

SUNday Global Unity Meditations

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Timelines are collapsing and higher trajectories are available for a brand new level of Embodiment. The new levels are diamond-based for a refined experience of crystalline/Christed/Unity consciousness. The sensations of unity, peace and Source-as-Self are purer than ever. If this is your timeline – if those DNA codes are activating […]

New Video, GO Window and Balance

New Video, GO Window and Balance

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Sending everyone calm, balancing light after a somewhat energetically wild week. We are in a GO Creation window for two weeks- one of those zones where aligned manifestation is easier. Hearts up to move forward with your creations which support New Earth dynamics. Note: This is not the busy-ness of […]

Video: How to Light Encode Your Creations

Video: How to Light Encode Your Creations

Blessing Beloved Light Tribe ~ To support all of our Wayshowers right now, I released another clip from the Wayshower Empowerment class; How to Light Encode Your Creations. If this content resonates, consider taking the full class which covers these topics in comprehensive detail. The class has already launched many new services and upgraded existing […]

Becoming the Solar Flash

Becoming the Solar Flash

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ The anticipated positive photonic-encoded plasma waves have arrived. These are Divine light influxes and outpourings which support a new level of Christ consciousness. This is cosmic-level support for our Embodiment, as well as a New Earth Grid amplifier. Because this is Crystalline DNA related, it is a collective activation for […]

Energy shifts, Unity and Exploring Mastery

Energy shifts, Unity and Exploring Mastery

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ I hope the energy shifts are treating you well. These are strong light codes that go directly to the DNA; your cells will need support to keep up. Be sure to rest and simplify, especially as the next wave approaches this weekend. First embodiers, this month is a Divine opportunity. […]

March Waves and Strong Shifts Anticipated

March Waves and Strong Shifts Anticipated

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ The Progression of Waves – last week of February, mid-March and end of April – are strong and purposeful. The initial February influx is now complete. Geomagnetic storms were strong as the influx arrived. Note the clearing and realignment effects in your own lifestream. The more intense the energies grow, […]

High-Vibe Abundance Bag: Sedona Event Update

High-Vibe Abundance Bag: Sedona Event Update

Blessings Beloveds ~ Our annual High-Vibe conference in Sedona is on April 27! This year’s Crystalline Convergence event unifies 150 Lightworkers, Gatekeepers, Gridworkers and Wayshowers of the New Earth Paradigm. Along with Sandra’s presentations and activations, there is an organic lunch on site and a second day out on the vortexes. (We still have seats […]

The Progression of Waves February Through May

The Progression of Waves February Through May

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Gatekeepers unified last Saturday to open for the Full Moon on Tuesday, February 19 at 7:53 am PT. The immediate triggering of Gaia’s core, now operating with the new magnetics, released a massive amount of light and encodements for this next light level. Remember these Gate events become much stronger, […]

True Love and Divine Relationship

True Love and Divine Relationship

Blessings Beloveds ~ I cannot help this feeling of elation ~ the joy within which continues to amplify, radiate, and expand my experience of the Divine. My relationship with the unknown, the Mountain, Gaia, the Stars, the Higher Realms, the Light Tribe, the Paradise SUNs, Source … all merge into an All-That-Is love affair that […]