SUNday Unity Meditations – Free Download

Blessings Beloveds ~

This strong week intensifies with a Wesak Full Moon weekend!

So much closure, shifting, releasing and change … and all for good purpose. The sharp geomagnetic storm last Tuesday jolted the Lemurian/Inner Earth grids awake, our next step in unifying past, present and future grids for the full Crystalline grid structure. This is reflected in our lifestreams; the crystalline convergence continues to unfold. Powerful energies and clearing effects as this activates. Follow those intuitive higher choices.

Join us in ceremony to welcome in a brand new collective timeline this weekend. Wesak Full Moon is Saturday at 2:11pm PDT. Crystals – and your crystalline body – can receive new codes during this amplified passage (through May 25). Get out in nature, let the new light saturate your crystals and DNA.

SUNday Global Meditations will be focused on PEACE, to balance inner and outer worlds.

Free Download always available

For those disappointed by a commercial 8 minutes into the Christ Light Meditation youtube video … please note:

Those commercials are from Source Vibrations, the background music creator – not me. I do not place ads on my videos, and I don’t know why or when they changed the ad timing. Source Vibrations exchanges commercial income for using their product in the meditation. I AM grateful they let us use their content for the last few years. Youtube just reset the hit counter to 213,000 (we were at 240,000), so perhaps something changed with the ad matrixes. None of my busy-ness.

Since the goal is to be OFFLINE during meditation, if you want to listen to the Christ Light Activation guided journey, download the mp3 for free at

See you in the field!

In Love, Light and Service,


About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.