MAJOR transition point & Updates

Blessings Beloveds ~

Here we are, on the other side of yet another collective timeline shift. Gratitude to all Gatekeepers & Gridworkers who assisted with the May 15-25 timeline transitions.

This was a MAJOR transition point for the organic timelines, Lemurian grid activation and preparation for the 2020 energies. Remember we are playing catch-up with these organic timeline migrations, so our experience accelerates and intensifies – in a good way. Enjoy the bliss, let it override all lesser realities.

This is changing our perception of time, service and consciousness itself. Everything shifts again to accommodate the New, especially for those experiencing Embodiment.

Truly High-Vibe podcast next Wednesday

This significant passage deserves our attention, since we are creating pathways for millions through our Wayshowership and Lightwork. I touched on this while recording the Positive Head Podcast with Brandon Beachum last week. It will air next Wednesday, May 29 at 7pm. Check the itunes link or Positive Head website to listen in.

May was Intense, June is a transformation point.

The beauty of the merge, besides pure bliss states, is the seamless connection for Galactic intel. No more separation – anywhere. Details and insights on this passage are plentiful. Articles don’t serve the depth and purpose of what is unfolding. This vibrant ascension into the Solar Cosmic Christed state is beyond expectations. Expect an article next week on changing personal and collective narratives.

Upcoming Webinar on the NEW

Save the date for a mid-year update webinar on upcoming Gateways, collective shifts and service transitions. Join me Saturday, June 7 @ 10am-12noon PDT. Registration will open next weekend. Check the Newsletter for details.

Summertime Approaches: Last call for Private Sessions

The snow is melting and Summertime is near! Private Sessions are available in June, then booking is closed until mid-September. Please book your June sessions soon.

See you in the field for our SUNday Unity Meditations. We are truly at an anything-can-happen point; let us use these clean-slate energies to co-create Peace and Ascension for all willing hearts. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,

If this service supports your journey, feel free to make a a gratitude donation today.

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About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.