Integrating after a High-Vibe Gathering

Blessing Beloveds ~

We still have one more live event in Sedona, the Mastery DNA Summit on SUNday May 5. Join us in person or connect during the 11:11am PDT meditation when we will be doing a live collective DNA activation.

SUNday’s event is a deep share on Crystalline DNA, the recent parallels with Dr. Glen Rein’s work, collective Living Library DNA and how to reconnect the layers, and Giselle Koy’s exploration of high performance enhancement through DNA.

Kindwhile, the High-Vibe Tribe is integrating last weekend’s Crystalline Convergence event. Here is some support for integrating post-conference, and post-vortex. Your body and energy fields go through clearing and realigning stages with collective DNA activation, as well as the intense LoveLight of being with Tribe. We also had a major release of new light from Gaia during this passage to support Embodiment.

Be sure to care for the physical, so you re-align with the new level. Hydration is important. Drink plenty of activated (intention-infused) pure water. Detox, juice fast, get in nature, meditate and oxygenate (exercise, yoga, movement).

At the emotional and spiritual level, we re-evaluate what is applicable as the Higher Self steps forth. As with all activations, gatherings, and energy gateways, the initial wave feels very expansive, then we integrate at the higher level and prepare for the next.

Post-event journal and meditation prompts to assist with integration.

List three things you learned at the conference.

What do I need to release in order to Ascend my consciousness and free my heart?

What am I inspired to create at the new light level?

What shifted, presented, demonstrated what I need to work on?

How well did I communicate my heart, the love that I AM and love/honor others?

Without comparing myself to others, what did I see Divinely reflected that I desire to expand in my own journey?

What did I learn about my own Mastery journey? Where can I level up?

What action steps do I need to take in my journey, service offerings or contributions to the creation of New Earth?

What did the High-Vibe and vortex energies teach, clear, present or show me in these areas:

Spiritual Maturity

Write down whatever presents for these areas:

DNA Activation
Love for others
Expression of the Higher Self
Collective Service

Who did I connect with, or desire to co-create with? Write them this week with your ideas, a heart share or just to say thank you.

Take a moment to connect with the Abundance gift bag donors, receive the free creations and downloads, and send them a gratitude message if you enjoy their products.

Post-Event Survey

A post-event survey will be sent after the SUNday DNA event is complete. If you enjoyed the conference and its content, please let others know by sharing the articles, my service offerings, SUNday Unity Meditations or upcoming events with someone who could benefit from them. Thank you!

In Love, Light and Service,

Your support is welcome, thank you for a gratitude donation today.

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About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.