Guided Journey – Activating Internal Portals for the 12-12-12

This is a guided journey from the Ascension eCourse for use in preparing for the 12-12-12 activations. It is a Mastery level journey, so it is direct, focused and fast. Some notes for those who are guided to REceive on the 12-12-12: The meditation is about opening to REceive; an effortless expansion and welcoming in […]

Facing the Unknown at Zero Point

I described how a vortex works in my eCourse last week; how the Earth is passing through the smallest part of the hourglass right now. We get the galactic squeeze for a few more months, with the big push on December 21. Besides the chaotic affect it has on our schedule, it also provides a […]

Preparing your portals for the 12-12-12

Excerpt from The Ascension eCourse The video below is an excerpt from the Module on Portals and Stargates. An important Intel update on the  12-12-12 ~ some information on preparing for the incoming activations. Many blessings to all of us during this amazing time. ____________________________________________________________ This mission runs on love, light and your support. If […]

Final 11:11 Gate activation today 11-22!

Many blessings to all of us during this profound and joyous time! Today is November 22, 2012. The Final 11:11 Gate activation is today. Go outside and receive; the energies coming in are absolutely glorious. Lightservers, anchors this in to the grids ~ Gatekeepers, we get another peek through the gates if you are called […]

Sacred Preparations – the 121212 Ascension Gateway

As of Thursday, there are 27 days left to prepare for incoming rays of evolutionary light intelligence on the 12-12-12. The Key: Being open and expanded to RECEIVE the light This is a brand new type of light coming in on the 12-12-12. We have never experienced this before, nor has any population living on […]

November Gateways and the 11/11/12 Events

Global Intentions, Waves and Events on November 11, 2012 Many events are planned, here are a few I will be participating in. If you are in Mount Shasta, we’ll meet up at Red Fir Flat on the mountain (so we can build a fire!) for the 10am global wave, through to the 11:11 and beyond. […]

The Advanced Ascension Course is available all. the. time.

We learn so much about our own journey when we teach. My personal process is unfolding in dynamic and vibrant ways as the course unfolds. Please note: Course enrollment is open all the time – this is a watch at your own pace, step by step program. Sign up any time, watch anytime. It’s that […]

Dissolvement of the Soul Level & Photonic Update

Perspective on the new level of photonic light coming in, and releasing the Soul level.   This mission runs on love, light and your support. If my work is assisting your journey, please make a donation. Blessings and gratitude for your contribution to New Paradigm endeavors. Suggested Donations: please choose one: Good Post, thanks! $12.21 […]

A sneak peek at the Advanced Ascension Q&A call

We had our first live Q&A call last SUNday, after Module 1 and 2 were complete. Here is a sneak peek (listen) at the second half of the call. Thought it would be beneficial for the tribe to hear part of this conversation. If you find this helpful to your journey, there are already 8 […]