Ascension eCourse excerpt: The Body Consciousness

This is an excerpt from Module 2: The Body Consciousness. It covers the multidimensional aspects of being a HUman on Gaia at this time, how Source creates a Universe, and the basic stair-step structure of incarnating into form. Even if you are familiar with Ascension and how to expand your consciousness, it’s a good REminder […]

Parallel expressions in 5D

Sharing the similarities in my Higher expressions. We are all unique expressions of Source exploring Source; the discovery of a through-line in a few of my expressions that I AM able to access was fascinating to me. Side note: the baby spider made it safely back to town, he is now twice as big and […]

February Light, Love and Clarity

The upcoming week holds many opportunities for acceleration of the Ascension process. If you have done your homework and prepared well, February is going to be amazing. Energies may have felt very strange last month because we were – and still are – adjusting to Zero Point time. This is why so many felt like […]

Mastering the Gateway

This video is the full-length version of Module 13: mastering the Gateway from The Ascension eCourse, to assist with collective clarity. The increase in frequency and magnetic shifts are amplified by the Full Moon on January 27. This is a perfect time to get clear on what you intend to create with the Ascension Gateway. […]

Another Amplification Marker – Use It Well

Tuesday January 15 marks another acceleration in the Shift. Light-ground and anchor solid intentions for your process today, right now. These triggers are very powerful now that we are in Zero Point; you get even more of what you command from the Universe. If you are unaware of your lifestream’s flow, use the So it […]

2013: Stepping through the Gateway of LIGHT

The Shift just gets more and more brilliant, doesn’t it? The brilliance of Mastering one reality while another dies off – I absolutely love it. Think of our experience here, Masters. Why in this realm would we create something as dull as make it clear to everyone on the planet that something huge has occurred […]

Blessings from the Eye of the Vortex

Many blessings to our dear Light Tribe during this incredible gateway. Apologies for not jumping online and updating everyone on my experiences here in Mount Shasta. I have been sleeping, sleeping, sleeping, meditating, downloading and spending a much quiet time as possible during these profound unfoldments of the New. We have several feet of snow […]

Honoring the Divine Birth

121212 Gatekeeper Experience The Key and Galactic Codes, Crystalline Consciousness Templates and 12 strand DNA activation codes were effectively received on the 121212 by many Gatekeepers and Lightservers. Hooray for HUmanity and those dedicated to serving the collective in the small hours of the morning. My experience was both profound and bizarre; these golden-crystalline light […]