Video: Webinar Intro – What is Ahead in 2020

Video: Webinar Intro – What is Ahead in 2020

Blessings Beloveds ~ The Intro from the August Webinar covering 2020 outcomes, August Gateway amplifications and magnetic shifts is now on YouTube. This was recorded August 1. Our August Gateway opens Thursday August 13 and runs through August 27. It’s a big one for collective choice points connected to December trajectories. The predicted magnetic shifts […]

Unity Weekend and August Influx Preparation

Unity Weekend and August Influx Preparation

Blessings Beloveds ~ Can you feel it? Big jumps in frequency all week, as well as magnetic shifts reorganizing our timelines and realities for the upcoming influx. External events quicken and amplify, more physicalization of the higher vibrations shaking loose the lower constructs. Notice the explosions and fires this week – some on significant stargate […]

Mayan New Year and Upcoming Events

Mayan New Year and Upcoming Events

Blessings Beloveds ~ [Posting this week’s Newsletter content since some emails are getting censored/blocked. If you subscribed and don’t see the weekly emails, check your spam/trash/promo filters. Subscribe for articles, events, meditations and in-the-moment updates HERE] The second half of 2020 hits an acceleration point this weekend. Gates are open, timeline choices are amplified, and […]

The Cosmic Squeeze: Magnetics, Exhaustion and the Second Half

The Cosmic Squeeze: Magnetics, Exhaustion and the Second Half

Blessings Beloveds ~ We are literally going through a strong portal in this Now. Maybe you feel the magnetic squeeze as the bridges open. Maybe you see and feel the cosmic sand pulling away before the tsunami of light. Maybe you see the golden stargates. The second half is about to anchor into our collective […]

July Magnetics, Creativity, New Light

July Magnetics, Creativity, New Light

Blessings Beloveds ~ July amplifies the parallel complement to dismantling: New Creation with the higher timelines. We entered a phase of rapid magnetic shifts on a Galactic scale, and the Gaia-centric effects have begun. The waves during a magnetic shift cause dramatic ebbs and flows. This can exhaust our energy fields, as the personal torus […]

Final Eclipse and Freedom Codes

Final Eclipse and Freedom Codes

Blessings Beloveds ~ Here we are at the final eclipse of our Triple-Eclipse passage. Energies may make us tired-and-wired. Magnetic shifts are literally pulling apart density and making way for the NEW REALM, which landed last week, to reveal in the physical realms. Be sure to commune with nature and ask the plants, rocks, animals, […]

Rewriting HUstory :: The Brand New Reality

Rewriting HUstory :: The Brand New Reality

Blessings Beloveds ~ Can you feel it? It is challenging to describe this new level of Embodiment and revelation. I need new words, images, sounds or perhaps a direct telepathic light-encoded beam to express what has occurred this week. Gaia was very direct on Monday: The birth is happening NOW. Tuesday morning I awoke to […]

Eclipse Activations and Global Meditations

Eclipse Activations and Global Meditations

Blessings Beloveds ~ Many of you have been receiving the full-body activations this week; part of the Brotherhood-Sisterhood dispensations. I AM grateful for these experiences with the Crystalline realms, initiating us into the next phase of Embodiment in such a physical way. The Solstice-Eclipse alignment begins this Saturday, a full week before the eclipse influx. […]

Video: Ascension Update June 2020

Video: Ascension Update June 2020

Blessings Beloveds ~ Lauren Galey and I connected for a live broadcast on the Eclipse Gateways, Solstice waves, current events, eclipses, the Solar flash, Embodiment, Timeline Division, and more. This is a very transformational year, unlike anything we have experienced. The physicalization of the dismantling of realities is evident on a Global scale. We share […]

Global Unity Rising: Eclipses Begin

Global Unity Rising: Eclipses Begin

Blessings Beloveds ~ I AM confident that all of you are witnessing the dismantling as the energies amplify. Here we are at the predicted acceleration point of the timeline division, and I AM grateful to see so many souls choosing love, self-empowerment, unity, and peace as we walk through this passage together. The Freedom codes […]