Blessings for a Radiant Solstice

Blessings upon this Solstice passage! The New Light continues to reveal, inspire, enlighten. Open to it, this is a prime opportunity for expansion into the Divine. We are blessed to have many visitors in Mount Shasta ~ it is beautiful to see radiant HUmans in town. I AM playing with the Light Tribe through the […]

June Gateway: Meeting the Ultimate Guide

Welcome to the June Gateway Everything is shifting as we enter this new energy field. You may recognize its affect on the Sun and our planet as the waves of light grow more intense. Those of you with third/fourth eye vision or higher skills may notice the intense shift in tones, colors, beings and fields […]

Healing Conversation – video version and links

This is the replay of a great conversation I had with Lauren Galey. This Healing Conversation discusses the Ascension Process and: • What is a Gatekeeper and what roles do they play for the planet? • True HUmanity is now emerging • Watch what happens when you learn to let go of steering your own […]

Healing Conversation with Lauren Galey and Sandra Walter

I had the pleasure of connecting with Lauren Galey on the Healing Conversations show, and the broadcast is set for Wednesday, June 4  at 3pm Pacific/ 4pm Mountain / 5pm Central / 6pm Eastern. Highlights of the topics we shared include the June energetic Shift, Mount Shasta’s crystalline cities, and a powerful tool of forgiveness. […]

June Wave: Take it Personally

June is a deeply personal passage for those on the Ascension path. We have been fortunate to share common experiences, side-effects and phenomenon through the Shift, however this may change for you as the June wave begins to arrive. The Cave Before the Wave You may have noticed a resistance to sharing your journey lately; […]

A Note on Energetic Intensity

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, I understand that many of us, including myself, are feeling the intensity increasing as May progresses. As I have mentioned before, and will emphasize again so everyone is reminded, we are in a great acceleration of the Shift – especially since the return of the Christ energies began back in March. […]

May Daze: Love the experience of YOU

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, The current wave (May 8 -14) is powerful, yet refined. Apologies for not writing about it sooner, thank you for your patience. I have been finishing up some things before going up on the mountain for the Summer. This wave feels subtle and strong at once; peaceful yet purging. Wayshowers and […]

Ascension Q&A call with Sandra – Wednesday, May 7

Blessings Beloveds, The next Ascension Course Q&A call with Sandra is Wednesday, May 7th at 6pmPDT. This month we focus on expanding the Light and energy bodies, so we may maximize our intake of Christed Light during these potent gateways of May and June. Pure Light intelligence flows through the grid systems now, with heavenly […]

Prime Triggers and Self-Creation

Prime Triggers and Self-Creation

Cosmic triggers, or Prime timelines, are something that cannot be avoided. They are pre-arranged events utilizing cosmic forces, set in place by creator beings and us, in our higher galactic consciousness, to create circumstances and shifts. Some utilize the alignment of planets and stars to open floodgates of energies from other systems, galaxies and Source […]

I AM Message ~

Some reflections on this message ~ Insatiable: Impossible to satisfy, or ever-expanding? Perhaps they mean both. It feels like Source is on a search for absolute clarity after digging into the depths of separation. The rewrite of this Universe is supposed to include an exploration of absolute brilliance. A refreshing shift. Note they said *the […]