An update from the heart on the Ascension Course

The Ascension course is on hold for the moment. I received word that more Light Intel will be available to me at an increasing rate throughout October (and beyond), and I want to share this as it presents. It doesn’t negate the content I wanted to include; rather it compliments it and adds another layer to the experience.

While I have resonance issues with structuring this content in such a traditional way, I understand that (most) folks need to see/feel something familiar in order to support a mission financially. My ascension process is tearing me away from Old Paradigm structures like workshops, marketing-based conferences, and classic Ecourse offerings. However, my webinars have been helpful to so many that I see the impact of sharing content online in this way, at least in the next 2 months.

It is not my mission to reinforce a passive ascension journey; we have plenty of watch-this-whenever-you-want content online. Some of it is helpful, some of it so ungrounded that it confuses the average audience member. The Gateway will sort out the true from the deluded in the next few months, and that will be very helpful to everyone. You can witness this happening; the frequency is doing it’s job on false channels and gurus already, and the Saturnian effect is starting to transform the financial system. (Note: that will look chaotic if you allow it to.)

I AM genuinely excited about the magnificence which is unfolding for HUmanity, and desire to walk people right through this opportunity with focus, clarity and love.

All of this led to the decision to delay and restructure the course in a much more creative way to allow for flexible content. I AM always willing to do something new. For those who resonate with the new and unknown, it will be a fun journey.

For the moment, registration is on hold until I can provide a definitive start date. WordPress pros are very welcome to volunteer their assistance in exchange for course access or private sessions, thank you.

Tomorrow I AM writing about the October changes in frequency, alignments and energetics. See you then.


About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.