Sadness, Magnetics, and Stargate Energies

Blessings Beloveds ~

This Stargate continues to deliver realm-shifting choice points – both personal and collective.  We see a dramatic increase in narrative flips, revelations, and personal choice-points. Revelation energies are opening many minds and hearts to new perspectives.

Why many feel deep grief or sadness right now

Many have asked about the deep sadness or grief sensations, which are unrelated to personal events or clearings.

Magnetic shifts on this planet, in her fields, and within her core, affect our bodies, emotional fields, and thoughts/ego/brain. It is one of the root causes of the awakening and Shift in Consciousness being a widespread, inevitable, global event.

The Higher Realms have shared for decades about how this passage would affect the mental, emotional, and physical levels. The Ascending collective dealt with the psychological levels last year during death of the ego. We learned to prioritize balance, increase self-care, de-magnetize the egoic structures, and initiate new practices.

Emotions, which are magnetic, are a key to creating in these realms, and beyond. Emotions ascend into crystalline feeling states, consistently focused on Divine LoveLight Intelligence and Unity Consciousness: highest outcomes for all.

As Gaia’s magnetics shift to an organic crystalline operating system, we must do the same. This means the dismantling of personal and collective states which were influenced by the old control systems. This is what we are feeling in the field right now: accelerated collapse of the old ways of creating.

This is literally changing the way in which we assemble realities, from the core outward.

As Unified Crystalline Conduits of a new frequency – the return of the Christ/Kryst – through our activated and coherent Hearts, we feel the deep changes together. We sense things before they are revealed for the collective. This is purposeful; we feel it first, learn practices which assist, and support the collective as they are raised into the higher vibrational flow, anchored by the Ascending collective. We become pure conduits of Divine Service and Divine Will.

When Divine feels less-than-Divine, HUmans get concerned. We are more sensitive as Unity Consciousness increases; we feel the effect of revelations on the collective. Death, another key theme this year, is very present in the unified field right now. Death of the old affects our entire reality. We are One, and we feel sympathy for our fellow travelers incarnated during this profound passage of Ascension.

Another 2023 theme is an increase in the sensation of heaviness or density, which is actually transmutation of density. Heaviness in the heart, emotions, or thoughts may be felt as these structures depart our realities.

Magnetic changes shift our way of interpreting frequencies in form. It isn’t an instant flip, it is a process. Note the changes in SUNlight right now. Even the Stargate magnetics and frequencies are more refined and direct.

Some guidance for the sadness and grief:

Be a responsible creator. Don’t suppress or delay the good work; get to it. We have multitudes of tools for emotional clearing and physical release. We are one: The more we transmute in own journey, the more it assists the collective. Do this before the Equinox trajectory shift in March.

Consistent connection with Spirit. A perfect moment to remember you are vast spiritual being. Meditate. Decree. Pray. Get out on Gaia. Activate your DNA, practice with Kryst Light, connect with the Master Crystals, journal for clarity. Get near water, a salve for the emotional fields as they shift. Meditate with your I AM Presence.

Mourn the loss of your old way of creating in these realms. Take a moment to witness, honor, and mourn the collapse. Witness it, be present with it. This helps to clear distortions from your fields.

Tap into Zero Point stillness.  A true saving grace. A good place to shed the whirlwind of collective sadness, grief, and dismantling we feel in the field. An excellent practice for realigning to Divine Truth. Even a few minutes of meditation on the Heart can transmute the heaviness of density in our fields.

More time in the organic. The division is real. Notice how scattering online activity or EMF frequencies feel right now? We don’t have to judge or reject it, just be aware of the effect on your consciousness. Scroll with intention, and pay attention to where your energy is being steered. As always, spend more of your precious journey co-creating the new, rather than getting distracted or watching the old burn.

Gather with intention. I posted about sacred travel on social media this week, and was thrilled to see everyone’s plans for Equinoxes and Solstices this year. Gatherings are making a big comeback, and unified hearts have more power than ever in this new Light.

I AM sending everyone Infinite LoveLight. This sadness shall pass, as everything does.

Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,

Upcoming gatherings, events, and Private Session booking in the LightLetter.


About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.