December Presence: Sacred Season Prep

Blessings Beloveds ~

Our final PRESENCE 2023 event is this Saturday, December 2nd. We prepare for Sacred Season and a highly energetic 2024 full of shifts, challenges, and transformation.

The Division of Worlds sensations and experiences are about to amplify in 2024. You may have noticed more messages about about this topic circulating in the field. We will explore why this topic, discussed for centuries, is presenting right now – and how to navigate its effects on our journeys.

Sacred Season is a Cosmic passage from December 12 through January 30th. Stargates open, veils thin, and our guidance becomes crystal clear. Many are having vivid lucid dreams and visions already.

Feel the spaciousness of expansion as the higher realms amplify. It can be stimulating to the pineal gland; kundalini energies rise, sacred elixirs are stimulated through plasma rays flowing into our hearts, DNA, and Lightbody.

The SUN and Cosmic Stargates merge to deliver pure LoveLight Intelligence. Open the Stargate of your Crystalline Heart to become ONE with these flows. This mystic passage is a long-honored alignment for spiritual growth and deep insights.


Saturday, December 2nd9AM – 11AM PST / 12noon EST / UTC -8

We hold the New Light realm energy for a transformative Sacred Season as the I AM Presence. We unify for focus, clarity, guidance, activations, and unified service.

December Topics:

  • How to receive the Divine Light of Sacred Season
  • Expansion and transmutation practices for clarity and balance
  • Division of Worlds and alignment with organic Ascension
  • Clearing destruction and cataclysm imprints from monadic and collective DNA
  • Unified Crystalline Grid Infusions of Kryst Light
  • Preview of the new PRESENCE 2024

$44 Live Event + replays: Instant access HERE

In Love, Light and Service,


About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.