DNA class updates, Live Q&A, Interview with Dr. Rein

DNA class updates, Live Q&A, Interview with Dr. Rein

Blessings Beloveds ~ The conversation with Dr. Glen Rein was both informative and fun! We shared parallels in recent studies about the effects of DNA on time dynamics, how Gatekeepers & Gridworkers are able to connect with ancient structures, and the unique possibilities of becoming crystalline-based. That video is now available in the bonus materials […]

Resolution of Timelines: Final Sequences

Resolution of Timelines: Final Sequences

Blessings Beloveds ~ EMBRACING the 10-10 this day ~ Our experience of time shifts yet again during this Gateway week (through the Full Moon.) It was expected to be strong – and in my experience, it is. Divine Bliss intensifies, heart expansion overriding all lesser realities … Creativity is renewed; external demands for a productive […]

Gateway Week: Aligning with the Collective Shift

Gateway Week: Aligning with the Collective Shift

Blessings Beloveds ~ In last week’s lengthy article about the September 30th Timeline Shift, the details of how timelines unfold with cosmic influxes were shared. An intensification of Divine Love after a timeline shift purifies the memory fields, which are the emotional creations of the collective that create our experience of time. The intensity of […]

Timeline Shift: Utilizing the Cosmic Influxes

Timeline Shift: Utilizing the Cosmic Influxes

Blessings Beloveds ~ Our Timeline Shift weekend begins with a Geomagnetic Storm – right on time. Many have been asking how these Timeline Shifts unfold and what they mean for our journey. Since this has been a topic since 2011, with the original split in timelines, let us focus on the last month or so […]

Equinox Gate and Special Announcements

Equinox Gate and Special Announcements

Blessings Beloveds ~ Gatekeepers opened this week for the Divine influx of Equinox. Visualize and feel the highest intentions for collective balance as we receive light-encoded plasma to enhance our Embodiment. Gate clearings have been consistent; they can make us feel sleepy or dreamy.  They also reveal what blocks transformation. It may be subtle or […]

Video: Sedona Cosmic Awakening Presentation

Video: Sedona Cosmic Awakening Presentation

Blessings Beloveds ~ My April presentation from the Sedona Cosmic Awakening Conference is now on YouTube. Note: this is NOT the August Disclosure talk on Gatekeeping, that will be released in early November. I don’t feel they will be adding my talk to the Livestream event replays at this point. This replay is a fun […]

Video: Experiencing the Ascension with Suzanne Ross

Video: Experiencing the Ascension with Suzanne Ross

Blessings Beloveds ~ I had a high-vibe conversation in August with Suzanne Ross, who creates awakening-focused media and events in Sedona. We discussed our Ascension experiences, timeline shifts, flow state, embodiment, disclosure and much more. Help us defy the YouTube dimming of shift-related content:: Please subscribe to my youtube channel to receive new videos in […]

September Revelations, Balance and Embodiment

September Revelations, Balance and Embodiment

Blessings Beloveds ~ Gratitude for your patience as I integrate in Sedona after weeks of travel, Gatework and speaking engagements. The recap/insights on the Disclosure conference will be posted later this week. For the moment, let us be aware of our presence at a disclosure conference and the higher purpose for that, in regards to […]

Mid-Gateway Check In: Magnetic Shift and Intense Upgrades

Mid-Gateway Check In: Magnetic Shift and Intense Upgrades

Blessings Beloveds ~ I AM ocean-side in Ventura at the Disclosure conference right now. It is lovely to see the conversation shifting to unification, and a call for more mass meditations (most in this community are not aware of our three years of SUNday global meditations.) My presentation includes full disclosure on the Gatekeeping experience […]

August Shift, Disclosure & Offline Time

August Shift, Disclosure & Offline Time

Blessings Beloveds ~ Since our Unity Meditations on SUNday and Gate opening for the upcoming shift passage, my heart center has been pulsing with the sacred OM. I hear it in my meditations, and feel it as a constant pulse of pure light. It is Divine and connected to the new Stargates in play; the […]