Webinar replay now available

Preparation for the Venus Transit and June Energies

Note: if you signed up for the webinar, you already received the replay links via email. Check in with me if you did not receive them!

Choices are pushed to the forefront in both the individual microcosm and global macrocosm in June. Things have to break apart, so that we shake out what we don’t want before we unify with higher frequencies. Much like the magnetic adjustments in the planet right now, everything gets expanded to release the density, then realigned to accommodate the future outcome. You can do the same with your body and lightbody, and I will show you how.

In this 2 hour webinar, I share:
– An expansion method which exposes density, entities and locked-in habits. We’ll move those dark energies up and out for good.
Emotional clearing which quickly releases old emotions, beliefs and contracts. No more lengthy processing; just be willing to let them go at last.
– A clarity exercise for setting true intentions in the highest good.

The replay and pdfs of this event are no longer available. Hope to see you at the next event!



About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.

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