Welcome to November: Brief Update

Welcome to November: Brief Update

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, After the strong Gatework of last week, we now enter this wide-open Gateway of November. Our first passage of November 4 -11 steps forth with Solar activity; a confirmation of the magnetic work completed last week. The Gate passages are continual this month, with just a few days between influxes. We […]

The Gifts of Resurrection – Video Version

The Gifts of Resurrection – Video Version

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Here is a video version of yesterday’s article on The Gifts of Resurrection. Blessings for a powerful Full Moon! Ascension Path participants, we will have a connection call on November 4. In Love, Light and Service, Sandra   Your support for this work is welcome, thank you for a gratitude donation today. Suggested Donations: Blessings $12.12 […]

The Gifts of Resurrection

The Gifts of Resurrection

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, It is written into our Golden HUman DNA; the quest for Self-realization, Ascension and reunification with source. Creation is an extraordinary story, and it is our own. A Universal, Galactic, Solar template; a Source BEingness fractalized for our experience, laid out by our Higher Levels for our discovery and participation. As above, […]

Unifying the Divine Continuum of Self

Unifying the Divine Continuum of Self

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, There is a vastness, an infinite beauty to this passage of Resurrection which cannot be distilled into words. We turn to creativity in these passages of transformation. Creativity assists in integrating what is occurring in our own consciousness; it light-grounds our experiences for the collective, and assists us in comprehending dramatic […]

Becoming the Solar Light: Gateway Daze

Becoming the Solar Light: Gateway Daze

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Gates are wide open for the October 14-18 influx. Cue Solar flaring and big SUNspot appearance over the limb. Let us open to receive another amplification, as best we can in this modern Resurrection phase. Honor it through your unique expression, Beloveds. Nothing is busy-ness as usual for the High-Vibe Tribe. Take notice of the […]

Resurrection and Galactic Transmutation – Gratitude

Resurrection and Galactic Transmutation – Gratitude

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Thank you from the pure light of my Heart for the deep sharing on the Connection Call last night. Tears of gratitude, the overwhelming amount of LoveLight, and the sharing of the Galactic-level templates were potent – and needed – at this juncture. I cherish the Ascension Path calls as much […]

Ascension Path video: Truth and Discernment

Ascension Path video: Truth and Discernment

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Upon completion of the two-year Equinox-Eclipse project, many more HUmans on the path are now experiencing Merge Sequences; the lifting, blissful, liquid lovelight, off-we-go-to-5D sensations of Ascension column activation (merging with the Higher Self). Even though the High-vibe direction is to focus on embodiment as this accelerates, we reach out to those […]

Current Sharing: Less is More

Current Sharing: Less is More

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Gatekeepers, take a moment to pat yourselves on the back. It was a wild and wonderful few weeks; we finished anchoring these floodgates last Wednesday. How do we describe in mere words the joy (and relief) of completing this two year project? Fortunately the new light level is so palpable to […]

Gatekeepers: Highest Potentials, Highest Outcomes

Gatekeepers: Highest Potentials, Highest Outcomes

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, The completion of our two-year project of Equinox – Blood Moon Eclipse Gateways is upon us. Gatekeepers, we have a collective unified opening on Saturday, September 19 and will stay open through the Blood Moon eclipse on the 27th. Every aligned HUman heart is welcome to participate in this Divine Intent of […]

The Final Equinox-Blood Moon Eclipse Gateway

The Final Equinox-Blood Moon Eclipse Gateway

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Significantly higher frequency light has been consistent since the Cosmic Trigger at the end of August. I AM sure you are experiencing the wild and wonderful aspects of this influx. It launched us into the completion of this two-year project of Equinox – Blood Moon Eclipse Gateways. While it is by […]