Palpable Unfoldments: Cosmic, Global and Internal Reformations

Palpable Unfoldments: Cosmic, Global and Internal Reformations

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Gratitude to all holding space during this Full Moon week integration. Obviously, this is a strong series of clearings and restructuring initiated by the August Gateway and eclipse. Even though it appears to be USA focused at the moment, this will radiate out from the eclipse activation (North America) soon. […]

SUNday Unity Meditations: Integration and Code Exchange

SUNday Unity Meditations: Integration and Code Exchange

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ We are still integrating the eclipse/August influx through the Full Moon on Wednesday. As mentioned last week, some aspects of this New Light inlfux can only be integrated through sleep. Ask for the deep DNA recalibration, and take that nap! Our SUNday unifications will provide a strong healing and stabilizing […]

Trinity Stargate Convergence

Trinity Stargate Convergence

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ This is a brief update since the August Gateway passage is not yet complete. It has been a busy phase for us, and the Solar eclipse was a very unique shift in consciousness – on both Global and Galactic scales. A more complete update will be posted next week. Kindwhile, […]

August Eclipse: Convergence of Stargates

August Eclipse: Convergence of Stargates

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Gratitude to all who have diligently prepared the grids and path of totality for our beloved Solar eclipse next Monday, August 21. Enough has been said about preparations and recommendations. That intel is available; empower yourself and read, watch, listen to the intel. I AM focused on receiving the highest […]

Aligning with the Cosmic Stargates: Solar Eclipse Preparations

Aligning with the Cosmic Stargates: Solar Eclipse Preparations

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Gatekeepers and Gridworkers have been diligently preparing the grids and Gateways for the maximum effect of the Solar Eclipse energies and upcoming September Equinox trigger points. Take note of the still points as they present; the zero-point stillness of the timeline shifts. The eerie stillness of time stopping (regardless of […]

Pre-Lunar Eclipse & Lion’s Gate Global Unity Meditations on SUNday

Pre-Lunar Eclipse & Lion’s Gate Global Unity Meditations on SUNday

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Please join us for the Global Unity Meditations this SUNday as preparation for the Lunar Eclipse and Lion’s Gate this week. We amplify the High-Vibe HUman Heart Grid and Crystalline Grid to co-create the highest outcomes for the Primary Ascension timelines. This is anticipated to be a powerful week; let […]

August Gateway: Massive Activation of the Crystalline Grid

August Gateway: Massive Activation of the Crystalline Grid

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Gatekeepers opened the August Gateway passage on SUNday, initiating the August 3 – 25 acceleration. Feel into the cosmic forces at play during this massive influx of Divine Light. Keep your focus on Unity Consciousness; expand to cosmic-level perspective as this New Light organizes our realities for the highest interests […]

Crystalline Grid Amplification: The Now Preparations

Crystalline Grid Amplification: The Now Preparations

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Our sacred passage of the August Gateway (August 3 – 25) will be stepping up in intensity as Gatekeepers unite on SUNday July 30 for a global amplification/opening for this powerful passage. Join the Unity Meditations on SUNday to connect with this activity and the highest intentions of peace, acceleration […]

New Moon SUNday Meditations: Cosmic Trigger

New Moon SUNday Meditations: Cosmic Trigger

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ We unify in Divine Service for the New Moon on SUNday, July 23. Unity Meditations will focus on preparing the path of totality of the eclipse, highest timelines of Ascension, and activating the crystalline grid support systems. This is a STRONG trigger point, launching us into the August Gateway. You […]

The August Eclipse: Metaphoric and Mystical

The August Eclipse: Metaphoric and Mystical

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ The August eclipse is deeply esoteric, which is why we are guided to utilize it for complete activation of the New Earth Crystalline grids. A Total Solar eclipse crossing the entire United States is a rare event. In this year of dropping old timelines while simultaneously amplifying the higher timelines […]