Assistance Request: Saturday Meditation for the Influx

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

A beautiful Gateway weekend to all. This post contains a request I received this morning from our Higher Teams.

The term *Cosmic Trigger* refers to passages when cosmic factors are aligning to amplify our Ascension Process. As with any Gateway, it presents an opportunity for HUmanity to co-create with the cosmos. This Cosmic Trigger contains an alignment which many believe to be paradigm-shifting.

It is a great HUman Ascension lesson to learn to become a Creator Being. We have witnessed this with each Gateway; the blending of hearts to assist in co-creating the Ascension, rather than waiting for external factors.

Your participation is requested this weekend. The Galactics have suggested the end of stepping down the frequencies and influxes (Earth-facing quiet). Apparently there are enough Wayshowers who can rally their Tribes when needed. This is one of those moments, and so I pass on the message to CO-CREATE with the Universe at a much higher level this weekend.

Meditate with the Tribe on SATURDAY, September 23 at 11:11amPT. We unify for 33 minutes to maximize the cosmic factors. Collective intention to call forth the strongest consciousness-shifting light influx yet. The SUNspots are prepared, the grids are opened. Use your heart-intent on behalf of all and call this forth.

Be creative about light-grounding the intention of Primary timeline amplification, Ascension-encoded plasma influx, and the raising of all consciousness into peace, harmony and Ascension. Meditations assist, however creative action (words, deeds, creative expressions) imprint the collective fields with higher intentions. Draw, paint, write, sing, create grids and altars, express this highest intent in all endeavors. It takes so little to create so much in this New Light!

Cosmic forces amplify intentions with increasing intensity. Gateway passages can be used for global shifting. Whatever you can do to assist the influx day – step out of routine and create with the much higher flow available. Call it forth – out loud – as Creator-In-Carnate. Talk to the Galactics, Masters, Guidance realms, Divine Teams and Solar Beings as equals. Share your intentions with Source.

Meditate with the tribe during SUNday’s Unity Meditations, and share this opportunity with everyone who is awake. I have witnessed the Light codes exchanged during these meditations, and continue to hear about activations and experiences during our sessions. Every heart counts, every time. Spread the word; you are the marketing team for this endeavor!

This is the second-to-last major Gateway of this transformative year. It opens us to a purer experience of Christ/crystalline/Divine HUman consciousness. This is a timeline choice-point which requires focus and a calm, centered beingness as the influxes are delivered. We are raising as many with us as possible.

Thank you for your participation in the Ascension! We Love You, We Bless You, We Thank You.

In Love, Light and Service,


About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.