Gatekeeper Journal: November 2018

Gatekeeper Journal: November 2018

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Our collective trajectory shift is settling in – or rather, settling up. Sensations of the higher timeline and its accompanying opportunities and synchronicities are palpable. After a some wild energetic fluctuations last week, we enter the anticipated high-vibe support passage for the acceleration of our embodiment. Unfoldments from this shift […]

Preparing for Another Trajectory Shift

Preparing for Another Trajectory Shift

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ The unified collective intent and ceremony of the 11.11 portal brought massive influxes of Crystalline Photonic light codes. Our Gateways are wide open, and adjustments made for the trajectory shift set for November 21-25, with November 22 as our focal point. We are in its pull already, and this month […]

Glow-Ray-Us Expansion: Unification in the Now

Glow-Ray-Us Expansion: Unification in the Now

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ A Glow-Ray-Us sacred November passage to all. Our Crystalline DNA is returning to its natural state, with our intention and conscious activation. The self-imposed veils drop, and the freedom this November influx brings to our hearts and creations is underway. Higher choices, trusting the path, and boldly crossing the bridge […]

November Trajectory Shift: Path of the Cosmic Christ

November Trajectory Shift: Path of the Cosmic Christ

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ A unique influx is anticipated toward the end of this month. We opened late Monday and these preparatory frequencies are already expanding the grids and gates. Since the opening of the Infinity Gate at the end of August, the purer experience of Source-as-Self consciousness, the pure Oneness, has been anchoring […]

Crystalline DNA Online Retreat this Saturday

Crystalline DNA Online Retreat this Saturday

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ This Saturday October 27, I AM leading a two-hour online retreat with Lauren Galey focused on Mastery of Crystalline DNA. Much intel has been shared on the DNA-Solar Cosmic Christ- Embodiment connection. This will bring it all together, with activations and tools to support your process. In this retreat we […]

Spiritual Disclosure: The Gatekeeper Journal

Spiritual Disclosure: The Gatekeeper Journal

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Welcome to a new monthly installment where I share my experiences of Gatekeeping, Mount Shasta, and what presents during activations. I open the pages of my Gatekeeper Journal and share highlights from Gatekeeping experiences and visions which may assist the collective. Evenings on the Mountain: the Magic Hours I spend […]

Embodiment Part Three: Effects and DNA

Embodiment Part Three: Effects and DNA

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Infinite gratitude to all who connected with us during the global mass meditations last SUNday! Gatekeepers focused on the crystalline DNA distribution and rainbow bridges to New Earth. After some afternoon gridding on the mountain, it was time for our final meditation. During the 5:11pm connection, a beautiful rainbow bridge […]

Embodiment II: Creator Conduit & New Earth Realms

Embodiment II: Creator Conduit & New Earth Realms

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ We now embrace Divine Self-Realization as our collective Wayshowership. Embodiment is the ability to experience the reconnection to Pure Source consciousness in the denser experience of a physical body. This anchors unconditional love and a higher dimensional experience into these lower realms. By experiencing our Multidimensional Self in the illusion […]

Full Moon Gateway: Divine Shifts in Progress

Full Moon Gateway: Divine Shifts in Progress

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe~ There is major activity happening with our Gateways in this Now. This is a day to honor; get clear and pay attention as the veils thin. Gatekeepers have been busy with the Equinox passage, and today, with the Full Moon, you will feel the difference in your fields if you connect […]

Quantum Conversation Replay: Embodiment and Crystalline DNA

Quantum Conversation Replay: Embodiment and Crystalline DNA

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Embodiment and Crystalline DNA is a complex topic. The experience of embodiment, and witnessing the changes it is making in our Ascension process, was the focus of this conversation with Lauren Galey. Here is the video replay of our latest Quantum Conversation. We also discuss shifts in Wayshower Services, and […]