Rewriting HUstory: The Revelation Wave begins

Rewriting HUstory: The Revelation Wave begins

Blessings Beloveds ~ Can you feel the wave beginning to crest?  The upcoming waves of reality-shifting light are the strongest light levels of our process so far. This is a passage to rewrite HUstory: Master your own new narrative, internally and externally. You may feel tension, anxiety, bliss, clearing, freedom, all of the above … […]

The Revelation Wave Ebook

The Revelation Wave Ebook

Blessings Beloveds ~ Our first eclipse of the Revelation Wave passage is here. Solaris is flaring, CMEs are plentiful, and active SUNspots are increasing. The first M-Flare in 3 years released during the first Unity Meditation on SUNday. Gatework is profound as this wave enters. Palpable, visible, trackable energies which we can also feel in […]

Soulogy November Replay

Soulogy November Replay

Blessings Beloveds ~ The undercurrent intensifies as we near the Revelation Wave influxes. Perhaps you have felt this reality-shifting mechanism flowing beneath the surface realities. There is so much happening in this Now. The Zero Point where all is simultaneous begins to bleed through into our waking lifestream like never before. Explore the multidimensional operation […]

Heart Guidance Amplified, Soulogy November 18

Heart Guidance Amplified, Soulogy November 18

Blessings Beloveds ~ Can you feel the new light codes? As the Revelation Wave of December approaches, these refined energies flow in. You might notice a sudden good mood, a lightness in the air that feels like Spring, an embrace of Divine comfort, or the bliss of transcendence. Listen to the intuitive messages from your […]

Webinar Replay Now Available: Feel the New Light!

Webinar Replay Now Available: Feel the New Light!

Blessings Beloveds ~ Lovely energies flowing in the stargates this morning. It was so strong during my pre-SUNrise meditation, it felt like dissolving into pure Light. Stepped outside, looked up at the Big Dipper, and BEAM! Big Goldie (lightship) was drifting across the night sky. This Gateway is such a turning point, a transformation step […]

Revelation Wave: SUN Reactivation

Revelation Wave: SUN Reactivation

Blessings Beloveds ~ Solaris remains very active for our November 11-17 Gateway. Flares have been consistent, and energies have been very activating. Remember the as above, so below principle. Major stargates are in play for this Revelation Wave. And it is happening NOW. Pull back from the fray of election month and see what is […]

Creating Peace: Beyond the Ordinary Replay

Creating Peace: Beyond the Ordinary Replay

Blessings Beloveds ~ I had a beautiful conversation with John Burgos, which may serve a salve for those desiring re-centering during this veil-lifting phase. The Beyond the Ordinary video replay is below. A true re-hearting of focus and following the inner guidance to prepare, align and pay attention to personal and collective highest outcomes. The […]

Shifting: November Cosmic Events and Transformation

Shifting: November Cosmic Events and Transformation

Blessings Beloveds ~ Geomagnetic storms, Solar Flares, Schumann increases … the anticipated increase of Cosmic, Solar and Gaia-shifting activity is unfolding. In this Now, a powerful Full Moon weekend. Emotional, mental, physical and lightbody clearings can make us feel like everything needs to change. Honor that guidance, dear hearts. Full Moon is Saturday, October 31 […]

Rewriting HUstory: Into the Revelation Phase

Rewriting HUstory: Into the Revelation Phase

Blessings Beloveds ~ A passage we have all seen and felt is about to reveal another layer. The frequencies are flowing in to support an acceleration of our Revelation phase. We utilize our Heart compass and discernment to navigate this rushing river of change. The Ascension trajectory (Primary Christed Timeline) is already an inevitable conclusion […]

October Revelations: Higher Perspective

October Revelations: Higher Perspective

Blessings Beloveds ~ Our September magnetic shifts delivered a week of intense magnetic storms, which set the stage for the intensification of our last quarter of 2020. Now the predicted October – November acceleration is upon us. Dismantling and revelation is what it is. The collective will be challenged by the unfoldments, revelations and amplified […]