Presence 2022: Self-Evaluation for Clarity

Presence 2022: Self-Evaluation for Clarity

Blessings Beloveds ~ These initial Cosmic Light waves of 2022 complete their trajectory-sorting phase on January 19. For many, it won’t feel like a *New* year until after this initial wave. Kindwhile, the much higher frequencies and acceleration of revelation, shifting magnetics and a powerful year of rapid change is upon us. We had a […]

PRESENCE: Now Year’s Day Online Event

PRESENCE: Now Year’s Day Online Event

Launching the NOW Year with pure Crystalline energies and a new online event format :: PRESENCE We unite in the midst of strong transformational energies which bring direct mystical revelations all throughout January. A beautiful passage is unfolding for aligned hearts. This is when the decades of inner work, Divine Service and faithful pursuit of […]

Sacred Magnetics: Initial Shift to 2022

Sacred Magnetics: Initial Shift to 2022

Blessings Beloveds ~ Sending radiant LoveLight to all for a transformational Solstice and Holiday passage. This is my annual step-away cave time.  A perfect Now to get quiet and receive the unique recalibrations available. Solstice Tuesday December 21: Peak at 8AM PST ⁠Solstice is a launch pad for core shifts in our journey. Magnetic shifts […]

The 12.12.21: Completion, Unity and Co-Creation

The 12.12.21: Completion, Unity and Co-Creation

Blessings Beloveds ~ The 12.12 Gateway is an auspicious and powerful component of this Sacred December-January passage.⁠⁠Unique Ascension energies flood the planet, and we open our hearts and the Cosmic Stargates to receive, anchor, activate and transmit these Divine frequencies on behalf of all.⁠⁠This year synchs with the original 12.12.12 when the Cosmic Stargates aligned, […]

December 2021: Into Zero Point for Transformation

December 2021: Into Zero Point for Transformation

Blessings Beloveds ~ Into the Divine passage we glow. This passage is transformational, and true transformation has its challenges. The December – January Gateway is the strongest Sacred passage of the year. Eclipses initiate transformation, the 12-12 amplifies Divine Mother in the core of Gaia, Solstice brings Zero Point alignments, and cosmic activity blasts open […]

Eclipse Season Begins

Eclipse Season Begins

Blessings Beloveds ~ The transformative Eclipse-Solstice passage begins this week. A lengthy lunar eclipse occurs Friday November 19 with the peak eclipse at 12:57AM Pacific Standard Time. We have been in the pull of this Sacred Gateway for nearly two weeks already. Now that the eclipses are upon us, the need for focus and recalibration […]

November: Strong Cosmic Influxes, 11.11, Eclipses and Choice Points

November: Strong Cosmic Influxes, 11.11, Eclipses and Choice Points

Blessings Beloveds ~ The anticipated acceleration of Cosmic influxes, Solar activity and intensification of energies is here. An intense November-December passage is upon us. Let us use this wisely. Solaris is active, magnetics are fluctuating again, and our bodies, minds and emotional fields are feeling the direction to expand.  Expansion is aimed at the Heart […]

Video: Divine Neutrality Webinar Excerpt

Video: Divine Neutrality Webinar Excerpt

Blessings Beloveds ~ This webinar excerpt explores Divine Neutrality; why and how to engage with this Sacred practice. So vital as we move through more intense revelation energies. The full webinar replay includes a second hour on Vibrational Dissonance, as it applies to current collective and personal choice points. I won’t be able to share […]

Divine Neutrality Month: Week Four

Divine Neutrality Month: Week Four

Blessings Beloveds ~ Gratitude to all participating in the activation of collective Divine Neutrality this month. Below are the fourth week’s written posts. Thank you for affecting collective outcomes by doing the good inner work in this Now. Divine Neutrality is a core tool for Divine Perfection and Ascension: the proper qualification and use of […]

Divine Neutrality Month: Week Three

Divine Neutrality Month: Week Three

Blessings Beloveds ~ Gratitude to all participating in the activation of collective Divine Neutrality this month. Below are the third week’s written posts (no videos will be posted here). Thank you for affecting collective outcomes by doing the good inner work in this Now. Divine Neutrality is a core tool for Divine Perfection and Ascension: […]