Equinox Events and Heart Expansion

Equinox Events and Heart Expansion

Blessings Beloveds ~ I know you are feeling the subtle, and not-so-subtle, energetic shift building throughout this week. Now we prepare for a strong, unified Equinox Weekend. The geomagnetic event which ushered in this Gateway passage (March 13-20) last SUNday was one of the strongest yet. Flares continue; it’s a powerful Now. I know many […]

Here Comes the Realm Shift: Equinox, Redwoods and More

Here Comes the Realm Shift: Equinox, Redwoods and More

Blessings Beloveds ~ A departure and arrival at once.⁠ ⁠ Reports of surreal, blissful, new light levels this week…wild expansion paired with sadness. The loss of old constructs that will never return, the collective anxieties running in the field, and Source frequencies overriding how we used to create our realities.⁠ ⁠ Something new and unknown […]

Maintaining Equanimity During the Revelation Phase

Maintaining Equanimity During the Revelation Phase

Blessings Beloveds ~ Acceleration of the Revelation phase brings subtle, and not-so-subtle, agendas to the surface. Remember the sleight-of-hand aspect to this phase. All is not as it seems. Discernment. Wisdom. Perspective. Note our collective progress; those standing for the whole rather than choosing sides out of fear (or obedience). The collective heart is tested […]

More Support through the 222222 Gateway

More Support through the 222222 Gateway

Blessings Beloveds ~ Have you felt the energies rise and change since the 222222 Gateway? New levels of Crystalline Light are here to support our migration to pure Unity Consciousness. Take advantage of this new light level to regroup and refine. Many of our journeys are shifting to accommodate new skills or higher trajectories, if […]

The Rare Twos-day is upon us: Unifying for the 2.22.2022

The Rare Twos-day is upon us: Unifying for the 2.22.2022

Blessings Beloveds ~ The rare Twos-Day is upon us!  The auspicious 2.22.2022 presents a unique opportunity to raise the collective out of distortions and creations of the past.Crystalline Gateways are open, and the Higher Realms are co-creating with us for a brand new level of Light Intelligence. The energies flowing from Mount Shasta are strong. […]

Preparing for the 222222: Free Live event next Tuesday

Preparing for the 222222: Free Live event next Tuesday

Blessings Beloveds ~ Sending you Divine Grace for however you are experiencing these amplified energies. Weepy and sleepy? Tired and wired? The consistent shifting of magnetic fields and cosmic ray influxes has us in training for a new experience of Now flow. The Higher realms have clarity and guidance for us, which I will share […]

Into the 222 Trajectory Shifts …

Into the 222 Trajectory Shifts …

Blessings Beloveds ~ Into the 222 Gateways we glow … Mastery number sequences are a recognizable part of our Ascension journey. Many awakenings begin with the classic 11:11 and expand to seeing – and feeling – the repeating numbers which pop up so often in our lifestreams. At this point in our collective journey, the […]

Narrative Shifts and Positive Trajectories

Narrative Shifts and Positive Trajectories

Blessings Beloveds ~ After a very intense week of magnetic fluctuations and solar influxes, we are through the initial passage of 2022. Everything accelerates now with collective highest choices in heart.The predicted acceleration of narrative shifts and collective realities is physicalizing.  Take a breath and feel into that heart-compass.The collapse of old realities affects emotional, […]

Infinite Kryst

Infinite Kryst

Blessings Beloveds ~ These four terms, received over the last few weeks, are encoded for what is unfolding in this Now with our Ascension Infinite Kryst: A new level of Crystalline/Kryst/Unity consciousness which changes collective realities. Pure Stream: Ascending Lifestreams serving as open conduits of brand new frequencies flowing into these realms. Biophotonic Reseeding: Transformation […]