Utilizing the Eclipse-Eclipse-Solstice Sequence

Utilizing the Eclipse-Eclipse-Solstice Sequence

Blessings Beloveds ~ *May Consistency* is taking on a new level. Ever since the Gateway opening mid-April, we have been a brand new trajectory. Deep self-evalution is needed as we prepare for full-blown acceleration. Zero Point is amplified to cause revelation within and without. I feel this collective knows what inner shifts are required for […]

555 Frequencies: Ascension in this Now

555 Frequencies: Ascension in this Now

Blessings Beloveds ~ Blessings to all in this auspicious 5-5-5 Now moment! Have you felt these realm-shifting frequencies? ⁠ ⁠ The stargate message for May was *CONSISTENT* and it truly has been. These gateways are open wide, delivering the strongest cosmic rays on record. Daily Schumann flows and new harmonics singing a new way of […]

May: Consistency and Freedom

Blessings Beloveds ~ A brief update as the Consistent message from last week steps forth. The transformation of Gaia’s crystalline core is unfolding in this Now. These are consciousness-shifting, realm-revealing frequencies. Light levels are rising every day, strong amplifications reflected in the Schumann charts. (Photo above of May 1, 2 & 3 resonance flows). Some […]

Crystalline Lifestyle: Embodying the Path

Crystalline Lifestyle: Embodying the Path

Blessings Beloveds ~ It was a strong April Gate passage. Record Cosmic Rays. Flares. Geomagnetic storms. Quakes. Intense Schumann waves. These new crystalline plasma influxes adjusted our trajectories. We enter a unique phase in May.  My gatekeeper journal has a unique entry for next month. Rather than dates it says just one word:  Consistent. While […]

Unique Energies in the Stargate

Unique Energies in the Stargate

Blessings Beloveds ~ We are deep in a unique stargate opening which commenced this week. Plasma anomalies and out-of-nowhere geomagnetic storms had popped up on the linear charts, and continue to compliment this reality-shifting passage. Even science is noting these cosmic forces as unusual. This passage of brand new frequencies flowing through the stargates continues […]

Resurrection Gateway and Collective Activation

Resurrection Gateway and Collective Activation

Blessings Beloveds ~ In the midst of shedding, realigning, creating, expanding and integrating: The Resurrection Gateway of Easter arrives. As we consciously merge with the ultimate unity of Divine Oneness, we self-realize the infinite within. Not as sacred study or dogmatic concept, but truly feeling Source in all of creation and intricately being part of […]

Crystalline Convergence: June Solstice in Sedona Full Details

Crystalline Convergence: June Solstice in Sedona Full Details

Blessings Beloveds ~ Here is your all-things-Crystalline-Convergence post! This event seems to energetically expand every day. I do hope you can join us; please note live tickets are flowing quickly. The Crystalline Convergence event is Solstice weekend, June 19-20 in Sedona. This is our fourth Convergence event, and they get bigger, brighter and more Crystalline […]

Equinox Webinar and Weekend Events

Equinox Webinar and Weekend Events

Blessings Beloveds ~ A powerful Equinox is upon us. Here is our event lineup: Equinox Webinar
 Saturday March 20 10AM -12 noon PDT Unified activations, uncensored intel and guidance for the surreal and narrative-shifting phase ahead.  Join us live or watch the replays. $33. How to Join the Webinar: Register at https://www.ascensionpath.com/equinoxwebinar You have INSTANT […]

Release. Recode. Reveal.

Release. Recode. Reveal.

An easy three-step method to apply in this Now :: Release:: Release old earth energies, old timelines, beliefs, narratives, archetypes, density in the body, mind, thought patterns, heart, light-body. Release all stagnant, uncomplimentary, limiting energies, systems, patterns, creations. Breathe and release. Flow Diamond-golden light into the cells and DNA to undo any discordant activity that […]

Clocks Spring Ahead: Synch for Global SUNday Unity Meditations

Clocks Spring Ahead: Synch for Global SUNday Unity Meditations

Clocks Spring ahead in the USA this weekend. Note your time zone conversion, the meditations are anchored in Mount Shasta, CA. (Use Los Angeles for the Pacific Time Zone conversion). Join thousands in our five-year-strong weekly practice of #Peace #Ascension #Unity and #NewEarthNow ⁠ ⁠ Three sessions on SUNday at 5AM, 8AM, and 11AM Pacific […]