Evolution of the Wayshowers

Evolution of the Wayshowers

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, The changes in the way the SUN interprets information are well underway. Of course there is more heat and brightness, which is noticeable to most. Remember this is a change in the way Solaris interprets information, which in turn affects the frequencies which come onto the planet. The gravitational changes caused by this area of space will […]

The Dimensional Doorway is Open

The Dimensional Doorway is Open

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, A great dimensional doorway opened with this Gateway (December 1-4). It continues to expand and is beautiful to behold. Energetic alignments were set in place with the timeline shift last month and an unprecedented amount of photonic light is flowing through the Solar system. Many of you felt the palpable shift in […]

Gateway Acceleration: November 23 -28

Gateway Acceleration: November 23 -28

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Gatekeepers opened for the incoming light yesterday. Our influx is November 23 – 28. My experience with the Shasta Gates is powerful right now; this feels like a strong acceleration. Your assistance is requested to call our Sacred Self-empowerment in and forth. The High-vibe tribe is busy balancing and calling in the […]

Video: Healing Conversation – Resurrection and our Roles

Video: Healing Conversation – Resurrection and our Roles

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, This is a video version of the latest Healing Conversation with Lauren Galey. It was a strong transmission on Ascension, Resurrection, Solar consciousness, quantum gravity, the dimensional Shift and what is ahead for us. We had some great questions as well. I have paired it with footage of Mount Shasta during last month’s magnetic […]

Ascension Path Trailer Premier!

Ascension Path Trailer Premier!

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, The new Ascension Path trailer is here! As some of you know, the series will be released to new online training class outlets in 2016. (Goodness, it is like sending a child out into the world…) This is one of many steps in this project. Celebrating with the November discount available HERE! In Love, […]

Vivid Awareness: Ease and Grace

Vivid Awareness: Ease and Grace

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, The experience of the merge sequences in this New Light intensify, especially during Gateway passages. November 16-18 and 23-28 are our Gatekeeper focus; join us with an open heart and clear intentions for more light, love and peace. The Higher realms noted something unique would occur on the 13th. As with all […]

The Resurrection Phase: Part One

The Resurrection Phase: Part One

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, This is a difficult topic to address in writing; perhaps you can feel into the light codes presented here. The phase of resurrecting the True Self is affecting thousands in the Light Tribe at this moment, and we now understand why it is generally not discussed with the collective. Since we are taking the mystery […]

Welcome to November: Brief Update

Welcome to November: Brief Update

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, After the strong Gatework of last week, we now enter this wide-open Gateway of November. Our first passage of November 4 -11 steps forth with Solar activity; a confirmation of the magnetic work completed last week. The Gate passages are continual this month, with just a few days between influxes. We […]

The Gifts of Resurrection – Video Version

The Gifts of Resurrection – Video Version

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Here is a video version of yesterday’s article on The Gifts of Resurrection. Blessings for a powerful Full Moon! Ascension Path participants, we will have a connection call on November 4. In Love, Light and Service, Sandra   Your support for this work is welcome, thank you for a gratitude donation today. Suggested Donations: Blessings $12.12 […]

The Gifts of Resurrection

The Gifts of Resurrection

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, It is written into our Golden HUman DNA; the quest for Self-realization, Ascension and reunification with source. Creation is an extraordinary story, and it is our own. A Universal, Galactic, Solar template; a Source BEingness fractalized for our experience, laid out by our Higher Levels for our discovery and participation. As above, […]