QCTV: Energy Shifts, Diamond Heart Activation & Disclosure

QCTV: Energy Shifts, Diamond Heart Activation & Disclosure

Blessings Beloveds ~ Here is the video replay of Tuesday’s Quantum Conversation TV episode. An informative and expansive connection, with a guided activation for the Diamond Christed Star of the Heart. Notable sections: Beginning: Discussing the recent timeline shifts and guidance from the Higher Realms 32:11 – Guided Diamond Heart Activation – use this often […]

New Stargates, Lion’s Gate and the August Shifts

New Stargates, Lion’s Gate and the August Shifts

Blessings Beloveds ~ August has always been a powerful month for Ascension upgrades. Some of my most expansive experiences have happened in the second half of August – and this year promises the same. Many are unifying for the Lion’s Gate (8/8), an ancient Egyptian tradition, which can be a strong heart-opener. The new Sirian […]

Video: Ascension Q&A: Receiving Guidance, Bliss States and Disclosure Event

Video: Ascension Q&A: Receiving Guidance, Bliss States and Disclosure Event

Blessings Beloveds ~ A follow-up video to the Earthquakes and Stargates video from earlier this week. Answering some questions from the High-Vibe Tribe on receiving guidance, Bliss states and the upcoming Disclosure Event. In Love, Light and Service, Sandra Your support is welcome, thank you for a gratitude donation today. Suggested Donations: Blessings $12.12 USDShowing […]

Video: Earthquakes, Stargates & Freedom Codes

Video: Earthquakes, Stargates & Freedom Codes

Blessings Beloved High Vibe Tribe ~ Our collective timeline shift is fully in the 2020 trajectory now. With the Freedom codes flowing and old timelines and stories dissolving, it felt like an important moment to get the word out on how quickly things will be amplifying. This video provides the higher perspective on the Crystalline […]

Post-Eclipse update on the Freedom Codes and Quake Activations

Post-Eclipse update on the Freedom Codes and Quake Activations

Blessings Beloveds ~ Happy post-eclipse passage. We are in a truly path-shifting, amplifying phase now. Last week’s article on the Earthquakes and release of Freedom codes has been updated to include some extra details on Mono Lake and the Freedom code activation. There is a LOT going on upstairs, and the behind-the-scenes acceleration is ON. […]

Crystalline Corridor: Earthquakes and Gateways

Crystalline Corridor: Earthquakes and Gateways

Blessings Beloveds ~ Note: This article is for Gatekeepers, Gridworkers and Lightworkers who work with Gaia. It is a heart-share on the latest unfoldments and may not be applicable to all journeys. The Crystalline Corridor is a central channel of a huge area encompassing the Pacific Coast of the US and California. It reaches up […]

Transformation: Utilizing the Eclipse and Sirian Gateways

Transformation: Utilizing the Eclipse and Sirian Gateways

Blessings Beloveds ~ Infinite LoveLight to all as we experience this profound and transformational passage. Every day is new, different, brilliant and challenging us to BE the Higher Self in this Now. This purer, intensified experience of our Ascension is the 2020 energies anchoring in and assisting us in creating whatever we choose. Divine Love […]

Initiation of the 2020 Gateway: Freedom and the New

Initiation of the 2020 Gateway: Freedom and the New

Blessing Beloveds ~ Friday, June 14, initiates the opening of the Solstice- Eclipse Gateways, and more importantly, the 2020 Timeline energies. In the last few months, we have had major collective shift points. Now we move into the higher collective timelines which have a major impact on our service, lifestreams and Ascension process. The Higher […]

Webinar Saturday, June 8: Shifting to the Embodiment Timelines

Blessings Beloveds ~ You can feel it. The collective timelines have shifted to accommodate Embodiment.
 This has a strong effect on our personal and collective realities as we merge with our Higher Selves, right through the body. It is a magical and surreal passage, let us be clear about what is unfolding. Join me on […]

Positive Head Podcast: DNA, Ascension and New Timelines

Blessings Beloved High Vibe Tribe ~ The podcast replay is now available on my youtube channel. Here we glow!   This significant passage deserves our attention, since we are creating pathways for millions through our Wayshowership and Lightwork. Downloadable audio: Listen on itunes HERE PositiveHead website version HERE We are truly at an anything-can-happen point; […]