Amplifications and Gateway Markers

Sandra Walter ascension guide

Sandra on Mount Shasta - click to feel the LOVE!

We felt it coming on in August; the big ascension speed-up. What an amazing acceleration we are experiencing this week. Wowza! Since the Blue Moon I AM absolutely flying with this energy amplification. The Light Intelligence of Unconditional Love is shining from every particle of my beingness! It’s as if Mama Gaia suddenly floored the gas pedal and is racing to the gateway. For those who trust, we’re in for a joy ride of cosmic proportions; hands up, hair flying, singing full-voice to the blazing sunshine. For the cautious, grab a helmet and buckle up.

For some these electro-magnetic adjustments can feel like a centrifuge, spinning everything in your lifestream apart for examination. I highly recommend you watch my Emotional Clearing webinar if the mind-emotion-egoic levels are clinging too tightly. They will cause more and more pain as this shift amplifies, so take action on freeing yourself from that old paradigm nonsense. Registration for the replay will be free through the 9/9 as part of my birthday week celebration.

The 9/9 Intiation is on Sunday, and the double digit jumps have provided opportunities all year to consciously connect with the spiritual side of the Shift. The magic of this sacred year continues to amaze me. Everything I do, everyone I encounter, every avenue of consciousness I am guided to explore brings expansion. My heart center feels like it will burst with this love for all of creation. Mastery is available for so many of us; I encourage you to take the leaps when they present. The experiences are remarkable.

The glimpse into Zero Point Time that I discussed last week has started to present for me. They are quick, brief and quite freaky. On many levels my consciousness says, “Yes, of course.” Open to it if you would like the preview of coming attractions.

For the mind-level, here is a nice linear calendar of Moons and Markers. Notice how it feels to look at this list. Is the Higher Self stepping in, asking you to make space for these events? To celebrate, to honor, to play with them one last time? It may feel like finally, the last mile of the marathon – or – damn, thought we were close and they added 12 more miles. More and more it feels like REliving the experience, as in oh yeah, this is the part of the marathon when I wrote that metaphor about the marathon.

The Basic Moons and Markers for the rest of 2012 include:

September 9:  The 9/9 amplification (feeling it already!)
September 15:   7:11pm PDT New moon
September 22:  7:49am PDT  FALL EQUINOX
September 29:  8:19pm PDT Full moon

October 10: The 10/10 amplification
October 15:  5:02am PDT  New moon
October 29:  12:49pm PDT  Full moon

November 11: The 11/11 amplification
November 13:  New Moon and Solar eclipse 2:08pm PST
November 28:  Full Moon and Lunar eclipse 6:46am PST

December 12: The 12/12 Marker – Initiation for passage to the New Paradigm
December 13: New moon 12:42am PST
December 21:   3:12am PST  WINTER SOLSTICE – Death of the old reality/consciousness
December 22-24: The metaphoric three days of darkness
December 25: Birth of the Crystalline Consciousness
Dec 28:  2:21am PST  Full moon

I did not add Terence McKenna’s Timewave Zero ups and downs for the rest of the year, mainly because we are moving into full realization of creating our own reality. The September 16/17 drop in the timewave is the only one I will note here, simply as a litmus test for how it affects your lifestream at this point.  There is no “they” doing anything to you or using specific alignments to create chaos, there is no waiting for the external to change. Unless you desire that reality and engage with it. If you do, enjoy your Waiting for Godot mode, and realize it’s your own choice. (Spoiler: Godot never shows up. Summary: God (Godot) never arrives because the characters are dependent upon something outside of themselves to fix everything. It’s a metaphor for HUman empowerment, and a brilliant Beckett play.)

Of course there are other markers and continual amplifications of energetics provided by Solaris and Gaia, where the flare activity and geomagnetic storms will stir things up. There is nothing you can do about that, nor should anyone be fearful of the rumbles and tumbles as Gaia adjusts. You are infinite, let’s not focus on alive vs. dead any longer, okay? Hand on the heart, take a breath, comfort the body and let it know all is well.

Thank you to the folks who wrote to me about the final radio broadcast. If you loved Ascension Integration and want it to continue, here is your umteenth opportunity to make a donation to cover the operating costs.


About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.

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