Activating Feminine Power: Part II

artThe agenda for The Keys to Feminine Power telecourse is daunting at first glance. Each week is dedicated to a Key power base: the power to change your life, realize your destiny, transform the world, awaken feminine radiance, create your future and activate your leadership.

These sizeable goals are attained in 8 weeks through weekly calls, Q&A follow-up calls, study groups, written assignments and a well-organized online forum. Katherine Woodward and Claire Zammit are brilliant on these calls, and their interaction with the group (1,000 women!) is remarkable. Their ability to be present, direct, and enlightening is inspirational.

While I cannot share specific details out of respect to the instructors and participants, I’d like to share a few revelations. Like the previous post, these are my personal observations.

We spoke the same language: this put my heart at ease. The terminology used in the course is both tribal and evolutionary; blending ancient roots and a radiant future at once. “Greater field of life” is used rather than God or Creator. Key terms of the consciousness movement are applied in similar form: awakening, I am, the shift, the field, radiance, co-creation. Women immediately called each other “Sister” without prompt. Individual posts revealed deeply poetic, mystical visions and sanctity of mission. In the safe haven of the tribe, this sisterhood expressed a deep longing for change, spoken in the universal tongue of the feminine.

Most of our perceptions are societal brainwash: We discussed the twisted perceptions we had of ourselves, our sisters and our work. False beliefs were exposed and core truths became omnipotent.

Inner child work: it wasn’t as agonizing as I anticipated. It was extremely helpful, and paralleled the emotional clearing work I’ve been tackling during my spiritual awakening. It’s about the relationship with yourself – identifying where we became limited along our path, taking full responsibility for our behavior, and then changing the habits and patterns that perpetuate those false beliefs.

Superwoman had no sisters: We have been working alone, making slow and steady progress. This isolation is less effective than co-creating. It may seem heroic to stand in your ego and conquer the day, but it’s time for collective action. The male power structure of limitless greed and personal gain has tragically failed us and our planet. When so much is at stake, we must form partnerships to activate our fullest potential. This doesn’t mean surrendering your dreams in the process. It means committing to something much larger than ourselves: individual goals are not as important as creating a better world.

Vital core shift in purpose: stepping forward and organizing our lives around our contributions to the world. Continuously remove any obstacles that block progress, and clear the internal lenses that fog our perception and our relationship to others.

How do you activate all of this?

Make it a priority. If you haven’t explored true feminine power, make time to seriously consider this issue. Notice your reaction to making time for this – are you too busy? Does the thought of another task exhaust you?  That kind of programming blocks progress. There is no more time to deal with it later, we are in the midst of a global shift. Leaving it up to the “men in charge” is not an option if we want a better world. Open yourself up to something completely different. All of us are needed, all women are valuable – no one is disposable, invisible, incapable or too busy.

There are many resources available online to connect with your feminine power if you are resonating with these ideas. I highly recommend the Keys to Feminine Power course, there is magic in it. I’m open to any questions about my experience, just send me an email:  sandra [at] sandrawalter [dot] com.

The Power in the course’s title is the feminine ability to create and nurture love in many forms. This power is manifested by sharing our greatest gifts to make permanent positive change, protecting the divine nature of our planet, and uniting humanity into a collective focused on peace.
