Arrival of the Next Phase of Embodiment: The Current Shift

Blessings Beloveds ~

The Gate which opened last weekend is transforming Embodiers – and quickly – into the next phase of our Ascension. Gaia released a multitude of Ascension codes with the last influx, and the New Crystalline Grid system is delivering these to all willing hearts in alignment with this next phase.

In brief, Embodiment is going to feel very different from here forward. This is a shift to a refined state of Divine consciousness, a new level of the Divine Heart activating in the HUman heart grid and our Divine DNA.

We took a leap together last weekend with the Schumann resonances, geomagnetic activity, Plasma influxes and cosmic (and literal) strong winds of change. Blessings to all who worked with the wind this past week; a side effect of the shifting magnetics, new Gate openings and release of collective thought forms anchored to the old timelines. Hearts up: It will happen again – assist the elementals with balancing the amplification.

The cosmic event horizon we were seeing has arrived, delivering full support for a more refined state of Embodiment. This is purposeful; higher light levels amplifies the higher reality, thins the veils, and provides DNA reconnection for a new experience. And we are in this, right now.

This is why the New Earth realities are being revealed to many in this Now. Vibrant plasma fields of pure pastel-rainbow-diamond light may present in your fields and visions. Crystalline cities may present. Star aspects of Self and Star families are close. New consciousness is anchoring in the Embodiers. It has been quite strong since last SUNday. The Crystalline overlay of the Ascended realm of New Earth is appearing to many. That Gate is open, and with this opening comes an opening in the heart, DNA and fields for a new experience in this Now.

Bliss states intensify, the sensation of linear time stops quite often. Tears of gratitude and reunification are shed; releasing of yesterday’s realities comes easily. Full-body rewrites and activations are provided by the DNA reconnection. Our Teams and Higher aspects come close to assist. This is a wondrous passage.

Beloveds, this is the beginning of a new era of Ascension; walking in full Embodiment, in our Mastery. The Presence of that frequency on the planet will offer the Divine alternative of peace, harmony and unity as a palpable, visible possibility.

We override the lesser agendas, belief systems and creation of disharmony within and without. A few adjustments to your personal timelines/choices here and there, and it will lock into the next phase if you allow it and agree to it.

The next two months provide many choice points.

Allow the Higher Self to expand your heart field to hold more of YOU in form. It feels VERY different from the old paradigm. It feels very different day to day. Get accustomed to the acceleration of change and expansion of consciousness sensations.

Increased confusion may present in the external, because this is a brand new frequency vibrating in the collective field. Watch your focus, choose what realities to fuel with your thoughts and words.

Ascension requires the highest choice of love in every situation. Truly this is a phase for keen seeing and feel-before-you-speak. Gaia herself is opening new pathways to her higher expression. Gatekeepers are witnessing this amplification of the Christed/Crystalline consciousness. Remember the Embodiment provides an amplification of your Source-Self, the Presence of God in form. These ecstatic moments are just the beginning of the new experience. Follow that flow, let it register on the physical. We don’t separate our spirit and linear form any longer. This applies to every moment, every choice, every interaction for those choosing to show the way of Embodiment.

Announcements: Keeping track of the linear with ease and grace:

Crystalline DNA Mastery class:

ALL of the Modules have been released! Our last Q&A call is Saturday, November 9. Login to receive details and new materials HERE.

SUNday Unity Meditations:

Please note that Pacific Time changes this weekend. Take note: the 5:11PM session is going away. See THIS POST for time conversions, details and finding each other with our new #sundayunitymeditations hashtag.

Upcoming Live Events:

Friday November 8 at 11AM PST: Live broadcast with Cari Murphy. Details HERE.

Saturday November 9: DNA Mastery class Q&A call 10AM-12noon PST. Register or Login HERE.

Monday November 11: LIVE Group meditation in Sedona at 11:11AM. Meet us at the Cathedral Rock platform. Details HERE

Wednesday November 20 at 2PM PST: Live show with Lauren Galey. Details HERE.

Thursday December 12: Live Gateway Summit gathering in Sedona for the 12-12-12. Details HERE.

Bless us all for walking through these dimensional doorways to make it easier for others to face their fears of change. Let the Light recalibrate your path.  Pay attention to the Divine opportunities presenting as the filters for the higher vibrational realities become more refined.

In Love, Light and Service,

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About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.