YouTube Live on Saturday & Ascension Well progress update!

Blessings Beloveds ~

We are officially in the seven weeks of Sacred Season (through the end of January). Solstice is next Wednesday, December 21 at 1:47pm PST. We use these Gateway energies to provide perspective on the massive letting go of the Old Self, old structures, and outdated ways of Being in these realms.
YouTube Live on Saturday: Sacred Season Guidance
Join me for a free YouTube Live on Saturday December 17 at 9AM-10AM PST.⁠ 

  • Solstice preparation⁠: Best practices and what to avoid
  • Unified experience in the Crystalline Zero Point Field⁠
  • Align with the Assembly of Higher Realms⁠

Watch the Live on my YouTube channel HERE. Subscribe so you can say hello to everyone in the comments! The replay will post to my channel afterward.⁠

Ascension Well Update: We are building a well! 

The Thirst Project contacted me with a well progress update. We have been matched with a Primary School in eSwatini, Africa.

Over 450 school children will have a clean water source for the first time!

Most of the children walk 10-20 miles to school, and do not have clean water sources at home. With the new well, both students and teachers will be able to drink, cook, and wash up with clean water. The school will have hydrated and healthier children, ready to learn, create, and play!

Construction is scheduled to begin before the end of the year, and should be completed by Spring. Photos and progress will be shared as the well develops.

Crystalline Convergence 2022 Live & Livestream attendees co-funded this project through ticket proceeds. Deep gratitude to all who participated for adding your support to our ‘Ascension Well’ and the communities it will benefit.

We will have an Ascension Well blessing and water ceremony at the September 19-20, 2023 Convergence in Sedona. We hope to fund another well with our 2023 event.

Sacred Season: Seven Weeks of Focus 

I look forward to our YouTube Live on Saturday, unifying with pure intent during this potent passage.

Please add your LoveLight for Global peace, harmony, and Ascension to the weekly SUNday Unity Meditations at 5AM, 8AM and 11AM PST.

Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,


About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.