Solstice and Sacred Season Blessings

Blessings Beloveds ~

I AM sending Infinite LoveLight to all during this realm-shifting, heart-opening, consciousness-expanding Solstice and Sacred Season passage!

Solstice is tomorrow, Wednesday, December 21 at 1:47pm PST.  We’ll have a Global Unity Meditation at Solstice peak for 30 minutes.

As mentioned in last weekend’s Sacred Season Energies YouTube presentation, this is a time to be centered in peace.

Best practices for Solstice: Be receptive, reflective, quiet, offline if you can be, in nature if you can be, honoring this Sacred moment with ceremony, and in a calm, meditative state to receive new perspective, upgrades, and transformational energies.

Gaia is already responding to the waves of highly refined Divine Light (plasma) coming through the Stargates. We may assist this SUN-Gaia-Master Crystal-Crystalline Heart Stargate-Crystalline DNA connection through our StarGate work, Grid flows, and focused attention on inner and outer peace.

YouTube Live replay available to support Sacred Season:⁠ 

Solstice preparation⁠: Best practices and what to avoid
Unified experience in the Crystalline Zero Point Field⁠
Align with the Assembly of Higher Realms⁠
Evaluation and journal prompts for clarity and reception

Watch the replay HERE.  

Christmas Day SUNday Unity Meditations

We are blessed to have our SUNday Unity Meditations on Christmas Day this year, when many are gathered together or having a peaceful day.

The energies of the collective are infused with peace, joy, celebration, and holiday energies. Let us amplify the positive aspects of unity in the Field with our meditations!

Please add your LoveLight for Global peace, harmony, and Ascension to the weekly SUNday Unity Meditations at 5AM, 8AM and 11AM PST.

I AM sending each willing heart the Divine blessings and grace of this Sacred Season. Have a beautiful Solstice and Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,


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About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.