September Gateway: Awareness into Alignment

A powerful energetic wave arrived early last evening. This new light produces the heart of Source sensation, In this vast stillness, support for multidimensional alignment – beyond multidimensional awareness – is provided for this revelation gateway. Pure light frequencies attune our perception once again, and attempt to upgrade the physical vessel to accommodate alignment up […]

Preparing for the next wave: Gateway September 3-9

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, We are speeding toward a powerful gateway on September 3 – 9. The energies are quite intense day to day, in a good way, as our cellular structure gets aligned for another revelation wave this week. The trigger on August 17th brought preparation for the September wave, and for many it […]

The Intensity of Divine Love

The Intensity of Divine Love

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ While the ascending collective has a responsibility to receive, anchor and engage with these new light frequencies, the physical sensations can become intense and sometimes distracting. When my Higher Team described this influx of energy as one of assistance, I feel that many interpreted that as some kind of energetic […]

A Message of Incoming Support on the 17th

On Sunday, August 17, we have unique energies coming in which will assist us in preparation for what appears to be a unique revelation gateway during the first week of September. Most of us are experiencing rather consistent intensification of the energies and we can feel it in the kingdoms, the elementals, HUmanity, and Gaia […]

Ancient Intentions Coming to Light

Current Gateway: Mastery Level Energies You may have noticed a significant increase in the appearance of roses or similar flowers presenting in your visions. We have a focus from the Masters during this Gateway of August 4 – 12, mainly because of the deep transformations in our personal journeys in 2014. The Ascended Masters, as […]

Divine Intervention: Creating New Everything

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, What a magnificent end to July energetics ~ Stimulating, heart-opening, expansive Light. Our next Cosmic Gateway is August 4 – 12, however I AM excited for the NOW of this Light and what is has to show all of us. Clearing the Path for MORE My dear 2008 Mac, a parting […]

A Note on Revelation Energies

The weekend’s gateway was powerful. Note the Pineal upgrades and meridian resets (a strong circulating energy within your body and fields, as opposed to the tingling and surges.) Many of us are getting the recalibrations this Summer, it is part of the Christed DNA templates activating within key points on the Earth grids. We are […]

For Fun – Underneath a Lenticular Cloud on Mount Shasta

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, The current energies can make us feel blissy, anxious, restless or still, sometimes all of these within the course of a day. Our next gateway is July 25 – 27, which feels powerful already as the light builds. Always good, another opportunity to level up and expand our consciousness. These current […]

The Divine Recalibrations

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, You may have noticed some significant changes occurring during the last few Gateways in your personal journey. Everything is so very different from our old experience, and I hope the last few articles assisted with understanding the linear aspect of these unfoldments. While it is designed to reveal deeply personal aspects […]