Equinox Preparation: Expansion and Surrender

Equinox Preparation: Expansion and Surrender

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, I AM honored to hear about so many positive experiences with the guided Solar Christ Light activation. The eclipse sandwich can make folks feel emotional, uncertain, disconnected. It can also be very empowering when we focus on the heart. Remember that successful completion of the Resurrection phase requires total surrender. Let […]

Christ Light Expansion: Ascension Path Guided Activation

Christ Light Expansion: Ascension Path Guided Activation

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Here is a meditation to assist with the energies of this powerful phase of our embodiment. The Christ Light Expansion is a guided activation from the Ascension Path online class. Utilize it to expand into the Solar Cosmic Christ state, reconnect with Source, and amplify your Light quotient. It also provides stability in […]

Mid-March Wave entering Now

Mid-March Wave entering Now

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Our Mid-March influx has begun and it feels even more powerful than expected. Remember we are monitored for alignment, and greatly supported as we own this New level and its further activation of our embodiment. Some highlights from the last article on our significant March shifts: This phase demands your consistent interaction with the higher timeline […]

Deepening of the Next Wave: Pay Attention

Deepening of the Next Wave: Pay Attention

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, The consistent message for the last few articles has been focus, focus, focus. If your timeline choice is embodiment, it can be greatly amplified by this upcoming Solar eclipse (March 8). Solar Cosmic Christ, Solar energetics. Solar Logos. Solar gravitational shifts. Solar Grid migration and acceleration. Solar consciousness. Solar heart center. SUN Gods. Golden […]

Ascension Path: Annual Updates Complete

Ascension Path: Annual Updates Complete

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, The annual updates to Ascension Path are complete! Class participants: Here is the menu, so you may see what is new or where updated material has been added. Login to explore the New! *** Indicates Added or Updated Materials Module 1 The Ascension Process Unit 1 Welcome to Ascension Path*** Unit […]

The Accelerating Phases of Our Ascension

The Accelerating Phases of Our Ascension

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, As mentioned in the previous article on the Resurrection phase, the first weeks of March will find us deep in embodiment preparation. By mid-March, the next wave of amplified light aimed at acceleration – and embodiment in particular – will begin to arrive. This means the next few weeks are important to […]

Wayshower Online Retreat Sunday, February 21

Wayshower Online Retreat Sunday, February 21

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Our Wayshower-specific retreat is coming up this weekend! Join us on Sunday, February 21 at 11amPT for a two-hour online gathering. We will discuss the changes in Wayshowership, the effect of the next wave on our Service work, and balancing our personal journey with our Service work. Live Q&A open during the whole event. The […]

Resurrection: The New and the Next Wave

Resurrection: The New and the Next Wave

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Take a moment to listen to the radio show with Suzanne Maresca which aired on SUNday. We discussed the recent Christed activations stepping forth in Wayshowers, and the upcoming wave expected to make this a permanent state of consciousness for many.  It is available as a video on the Ascension Integration […]

Solar Cosmic Christ Activations: A Love Day Co-Creation

Solar Cosmic Christ Activations: A Love Day Co-Creation

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Here is a heartfelt co-creation with InLightUniversal productions for Valentine’s Day. Suzanne Maresca and I discuss the new Christ embodiment stepping forth in the Light Tribe. This is a powerful step in our progress, which is expected to accelerate with the Spring Equinox energies. As we emerge from the Resurrection phase, some very […]

Gateways, Events and Updates

Gateways, Events and Updates

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Can you feel it amplifying again? This feels like the beginning of the Equinox passage to me, which means that wave will be highly activating and launch us out of the Resurrection phase. Gateways are much less linear than the flare-and-plasma storms of the last three years. Remember this is not a […]