Stargate Activated: Gateways Open for Embodiment

Stargate Activated: Gateways Open for Embodiment

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Our Gateway week is upon us. Gatekeepers opened for the influx on SUNday, and the energies increased immediately. This is a powerful and transitional stargate for HUmanity, which will greatly affect those engaging with Solar Cosmic Christ embodiment. This massive stargate portal from the Great Central Sun is a highly […]

Global Events this week: Connect with the Good Work

Global Events this week: Connect with the Good Work

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ We have TWO powerful opportunities for connecting as ONE Unified Field of Light this week. Thorugh Divine Service to all, we achieve our Ascension. Join Us! GLOBAL UNITY MEDITATIONS SUNday, February 12 at 8:11amPT, 11:11am PT and 5:11pmPT Unite with the intention of infusing Gaia, HUmanity and the Girds with […]

Gatekeepers and Gridworkers utilizing the Eclipse window

Gatekeepers and Gridworkers utilizing the Eclipse window

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ You may notice a dramatic increase in the energies as this Eclipse window ushers in the next wave. Gatekeepers and Gridworkers will be activating and releasing the Solar aspects of the grids over the next weeks. This directly affects your pineal-pituitary complex, DNA and Heart center as it unlocks the […]

February Gateway: Utilizing the Eclipses, DNA, Timeline Alignment

February Gateway: Utilizing the Eclipses, DNA, Timeline Alignment

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ We are utilizing the portals of the February eclipses (Lunar Eclipse on February 10 at 4:43pm PT and the Solar Eclipse of February 26 at 6:58 am PT) to support the February 22-25 light influx. The next two weeks provide energies which further refine the dismantling of old systems which […]

Our Unified Experiences and Gateway Unfoldments

Our Unified Experiences and Gateway Unfoldments

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ I have returned to Mount Shasta after two weeks of Gatekeeping in Joshua Tree, the Mohave and Sedona. It is stunning to see the effects of heavy precipitation on California and the desert. Perhaps the December vision of sending plasma into the skies along the Pacific Coast has come to […]

Join me at the Conscious Media Festival in Austin!

Join me at the Conscious Media Festival in Austin!

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, I AM honored to announce that I will be presenting at the Conscious Media Festival in Austin, Texas on March 3-5! This event kept stepping into my awareness as a opportunity for creating the New, the Next in the Now … and a true soul gathering of co-creators manifesting a new […]

Special Announcements

Special Announcements

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Happy Chinese New Year! Some Special Announcements: 1. SUNday Global Unity Meditations will be ***extra potent*** with the 1111 Gateway tomorrow (the last 1-11-1 date) Be sure to join in at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm PT. 2. Steve Beckow of Golden Age of Gaia has composed a four-part article series […]

Quantum Conversation Replay: Video

Quantum Conversation Replay: Video

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ The replay of this week’s Quantum Conversation is now available in video version on the Ascension Integration YouTube channel (and below). It was a potent broadcast! We discussed the current Ascension energies, DNA activations, recent experiences, and what is unfolding for 2017. Be sure to join the Light Tribe on […]

The Current Unfoldments and the Dimensional Shift

The Current Unfoldments and the Dimensional Shift

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Gatekeepers and Gridworkers have been diligently working with the Galactics to open the Solar Gateways and Solar aspects of the New Grid systems. This activity began last year, and took a huge leap mid-December. Solar influxes of a much higher frequency than the charts can track, began January 4th and […]

Global Unity Meditations on SUNday: Creating in the Now

Global Unity Meditations on SUNday: Creating in the Now

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ It is a powerful passage and we request your participation to ensure the highest outcomes for all. Please join the Unity Meditations on SUNday. Join the collective during these three 30-minute windows on SUNday: 8:11am PT, 11:11 am PT, and 5:11pm PT to receive the current activations and add your […]