SUNday Unity Meditations: Amplifying the Organic Timelines

SUNday Unity Meditations: Amplifying the Organic Timelines

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ The second eclipse, the most powerful of this season, occurs on Friday. Energies have been increasing in intensity as we approach the realignment point. The Lyran Lightship sound journey has provided comfort and activation for this passage; see the link below. A few notable messages for clarity: Eclipse Season: Ending […]

Lyran Lightship: Blessing and Activation

Lyran Lightship: Blessing and Activation

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ The Lyrans are Feline BEings from the Vega star system, where the original experiments for creating a Divine HUman DNA template began. They have been a consistent part of my journey, and were the first to show me  interdimensional stargates. Sometimes they are referred to as white lion BEings, since […]

Living the Metaphor of Resurrection: Eclipse Season Shifts

Living the Metaphor of Resurrection: Eclipse Season Shifts

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ This article describes the factors involved in this current passage and what many of us are beginning to experience as this realignment begins. There are no sufficient words to describe the true return of the Christed state, or the sensation of pure Source amplifying within the heart. Follow the metaphor […]

Quantum Effects of Ascension in Eclipse Season

Quantum Effects of Ascension in Eclipse Season

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Our higher trajectory delivers constant Source-encoded plasma for us to receive and integrate. The Solstice Gateway provided strong DNA reconnection, the effects of which continue to ripple through the collective. As Gaia’s magnetics shift to the New Earth grids, our own magnetics are adjusting. This is a function of the Ascension […]

Unique Experiences in the SUNday Unity Meditations

Unique Experiences in the SUNday Unity Meditations

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Our SUNday unifications are providing a collective experience of pure liquid light. Many noted during last week’s meditations the strongest experience of pure LoveLight yet, myself included. It is the presence of Source-encoded plasma which produces the pure liquid light sensation, like infinite crystalline light flowing through the heart and […]

Solstice Gift: Light Language DNA activation

Solstice Gift: Light Language DNA activation

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ A joyful Solstice to all! Deepest gratitude for our Divine connection during this powerful passage of our Ascension. Our Higher trajectory is amplified through this Solstice Gateway, releasing the Source codes for DNA activation and reconnection. This supports our next-level Lightbody of the Divine HUman crystalline/Christed templates. Light language and […]

Special Pre-Solstice Event this Saturday with Anrita and Sandra

Special Pre-Solstice Event this Saturday with Anrita and Sandra

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ I AM honored to co-create a special event in preparation for the Solstice with my dear siSTAR, Anrita Melchizedek. Please join us on Saturday, June 16 (12noon PDT) for a unique High-Vibe video conference. We recorded a beautiful heartfelt New Earth Cosmic Conversation about our experiences, changes in the body, […]

Experiencing the Influx and Solstice Source Codes

Experiencing the Influx and Solstice Source Codes

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ The higher trajectory attained at the beginning of June opened the Creator Gates, within and without, for a more direct experience of Unity Consciousness. These diamond-plasma flows will maintain their intensity through the end of June, with our Cosmic Trigger point during the June Solstice passage (peak on June 21 […]

Replay of Sandra on Soulogy with Todd Medina

Replay of Sandra on Soulogy with Todd Medina

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Soulogy invited me to a like-hearted Facebook Live conversation with Todd Medina last week. Here is a replay of our lovely connection where we discuss the current energies, organic Ascension, how to deal with awareness in multidimensions, and much more. In Love, Light and Service, Sandra

Higher Trajectories Attained: Upgrades with the Unity Meditations

Higher Trajectories Attained: Upgrades with the Unity Meditations

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe~ After an intense focus during the last half of May, our June higher trajectory has been attained. Infinite gratitude for all Gatekeepers, Gridworkers and beloved ones in Service who diligently ushered in these higher frequencies on behalf of all. I AM bathing in these new frequencies at the moment, so this […]