How to Feel and Read the Field: Acceleration

Blessings Beloveds ~

Take a moment to tap into the Unity/Kryst/Crystalline field in this Now. Not the grids or gateways; feel the FIELD itself. Quiet the mind, into the heart. Rise above the fray of external busy-ness and collective projections.

Feel the magnetics which hold denser realities in place. Can you feel them shaking, vibrating, being influenced by the Higher realms, Cosmic Mother Plasma, and Solar activity?

A Divine convergence is presenting; a combination of Sacred factors which influence the acceleration of highest trajectories. Solar activity is picking up, and magnetics will be called to shift to new realm dynamics – again.

Now apply this to your journey, and our collective journey of Ascension. 

The Zero Point of our Infinite Hearts – the Kryst access point – is receiving new information; a message delivered with the most refined, pure harmonics and plasma we have ever experienced. This pulse from the I AM is instructing our hearts to rise from the old magnetics, and old structures. In brief, the veils of our previous self-created illusion will not be able to be re-created by our thoughts, emotions, habits, body or heart. That time-based, dense magnetic experience is no longer supported.

As always: Don’t watch it burn, get on with creating the New.

We walk through this acceleration with our Kryst point and I AM Presence as Divine Director of our experience.

In the pursuit of Presence, the Sacred Union with the I AM Presence in Zero Point, we embrace the Mastery skill of reading the Kryst field, and co-creating with the crystalline realms.

This is the focus of our PRESENCE event next week. We have a strong energy shift coming up in mid-August (beginning around August 18th). Being able to connect with the crystalline networks via the kingdoms, elementals, and organic systems in the body will truly support Gaia and all of her life as we walk through this quickening of the dismantling/birthing phase.

Saturday August 3rd
Live online event + replays

Our August Event includes:

  • Core magnetics, plasma acceleration and the August energy shift
  • Connect with the new realm intelligence of Trees, Mycellium, Master Crystals, Elementals, and the body’s new networks
  • LightBody transformation with Adamantine particles
  • Group experience of the Kryst Field and trajectories

$44 live event + replays.  Seating is open until we reach capacity. Register HERE

New Video: Beyond the Ordinary Show Replay

The replay from last week’s conversation with John Burgos is now available. We covered the current energy shift, changes in service, and much more. Click HERE to watch on YouTube.

See you in the field for the SUNday Unity Meditations!

Sending everyone Infinite LoveLight for purification and balance. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light, and Service,


About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.