Cleansing in the Eclipse window: Use this gift

Blessings Beloveds ~

This two-week eclipse window is a gift, delivering precisely what you need in this now.

We are passing through an energetic filter that has our best interests in heart. It prepares us for an intensity of light, revelation, and rapid change we have not experienced before.

This is a Divine opportunity to release, clear, and dissolve distortions across the board. This unique light is aimed at purification, and is a very effective partner in our quest for highest trajectory/realm choice during this Eclipse window (final eclipse Tuesday, November 8 at 3AM PST.)

The removal of what cannot be maintained in higher frequencies continues to be dismantled, dissolved, removed. Narratives change; the collective and personal stories shift quickly.

Can you feel the outdated structures, beliefs, and ways of being in these realms collapsing?

If your attention wanders to the external systems collapse … pause and focus on your personal journey. There is refinement, resolution, and heightened removal of past patterns right now, which assist our personal realm choice.

These filters are intensifying removal of the old patterns from the body, mind, and emotions. Every uncomplimentary layer removed allows the higher consciousness more room, more flow, more energy in these realms. New states of Kryst consciousness are quite potent during this passage.

Use this filtering and clearing energy to reveal what no longer serves your desired future. Meditate with Gaia and Solaris (the SUN), to clear and reset the physical, mental, emotional, and Crystalline levels.

Remember that completion and resolution require your conscious participation. Journal what is changing for you; it helps reveal what has to go, now.

Star Beings Online Event

The Ultimate Star Beings Conference is next week, November 3 – 7. My segment is Thursday at 12noon PDT. There are 55 presenters in five days, all focused on wisdom received from star family.

There is a free pre-event Ascension panel on Wednesday November 2 at 11AM PDT. Details for the free panel day or full conference livestream are on the Portal to Ascension site.

SUNday Unity Meditations

Etheric support is available in our weekly practice. Join us for the SUNday Unity Meditations in the unified field of Crystalline Hearts.

Meditate in your own style, offline, for 30 minutes, at 5AM, 8AM or 11AM PDT. Focus on co-creation of peace, compassion, and freedom for all willing hearts. New to this? Visit the SUNday Unity Meditations page for details and a free guided meditation.

Weekly updates, full event listings and services are now in the LightLetter. Sign up for free at

Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,


About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.