The Cosmic Christ Return: Fulfilling the Promise

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, The Equinox Gateway opened a powerful flow of Solar Cosmic Christ energetics. Deep gratitude to everyone who is participating in welcoming this new wave of Cosmic Christ light. It is GLORIOUS and continues to amplify and pour into the grid systems. It will be fully anchored by the Eclipse on April […]

Equinox Preparations and Unifications – Video Version

We have a major Gateway opening on the Equinox, Thursday March 20 (9:57amPDT) which continues with amplifications through the June Solstice. Unified meditations are encouraged for Peace, Harmony, Balance and Solar Cosmic Christ Activation. This video is light-encoded to accelerate your Ascension. Simply accept and welcome forth the light codes consciously (out loud) prior to […]

Equinox Gateway Preparations

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, As this wave comes in for Equinox, I AM offline more than on as this Gateway becomes my focus. Obviously the energies are growing more intense. Remember this energy is consistent through June Solstice, with a turning point in the dimensional energies sometime in June. While we expect a mass awakening […]

Synchronized Events for the Equinox Gateway March 20th

Message updated March 9 with new Light codes Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, We have a major Gateway opening on the Equinox, Thursday March 20th at 9:57 AM PDT, 16:57 UTC. (Check your local time for the Equinox here.) The energies we are experiencing right now are the prequel to this new light wave – and […]

Observations on the energies through Equinox

I AM called to the Mountain tomorrow for new gateway work. I have no idea what that means just yet. It feels like a big amplification is coming our way. The precog tribe is getting the same messages: Keep it clean, calm and focused through the Equinox. As anxious as we all may feel as […]

March Magnetics and Upcoming Q&A call

Blessings Dear Light Tribe, March promises to be an exciting month for our process: Challenging, yet beautiful. While planetary magnetic shifts do their best to shake things up energetically – the physical structure as well as old systems – keep in heart that the purpose is to shake loose the collective fear of change. Sometimes […]

Lifestyles of the New Golden Age: Radio Interview

Giselle Koy and I had a high-vibe conversation this week on her BlogTalk radio show, Lifestyles of the New Golden Age. The interview happened in two parts due to a tech glitch on BlogTalk on Wednesday. Thursday’s show was a focused update on levels of Ascension and a potent connection for all of those in […]

Transcendence: Video version

Video version of the latest article on Transcendence. This video is light-encoded to assist your process. Give permission (say it out loud) in order to receive the light codes. Transcendent dematerialization means Mastery of the physical vessel and journey: Embodiment of the Solar Cosmic Christed state, either by walking in and out of this realm […]

Transcendence: Permanent Shift in Vibration

As a prerequisite to this article, please review my definition of Ascension. You cannot be pressured into Ascension, because it must be a personal choice to raise one’s consciousness. Wayshowers set an example, provide intel, teach, and walk hand-in-hand, heart-to-heart with those dedicated to the Shift in Consciousness. Sometimes we run ahead so we can tell […]

Teleportation: Communion of Worlds – Video version

Teleportation is the transfer of physical matter without the delay of timespace. Because we are taking on a more photonic (light) state, it is becoming possible to transmit the particles of our physical beingness to another location. This is the video version of yesterday’s article: __________________________ I would LOVE a donation today, thank you! Suggested […]