Divine Focus: Welcoming the Third Wave

Divine Focus: Welcoming the Third Wave

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Our third wave of 2016 is beginning to crest, with its initial frequencies heralding the New. Gatekeepers and Gridworkers have been busy for weeks, Gaia and the new grids are responding already, and we are prepared for the new arrival next week. This is an influx of highly charged pure light […]

Mid-September Wave: Comfort in the Unknown

Mid-September Wave: Comfort in the Unknown

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Gratitude to all who participated in the 999 – 9/11 Grid amplifications. Gatekeepers managed to anchor new Grid points last week and the new Grid levels have already begun to activate. After a week of driving and anchor point activations, I arrived at the crystalline vortex in Arkansas prior to the 999. This is my third mission […]

Acceleration: Making the Choice

Acceleration: Making the Choice

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Many have asked about the upcoming timeline shift, wondering if the Light Tribe can handle an acceleration since symptoms have been somewhat intense this year. Let us review a few items for clarity. An acceleration is occurring regardless of our choice. Evolution is evolution. We are receiving a third wave of […]

Preparing for the Third Wave and Timeline Shift

Preparing for the Third Wave and Timeline Shift

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Our third wave of 2016 will be very significant to our Ascension process. There is much light intel presenting for this particular Gateway, here are the details. Timeline Shift: Over the last few months the intel has been reminding us about the timeline possibility available in September. The strongest wave of Light […]

The New Self and the Unknown: Departing from Mount Shasta

The New Self and the Unknown: Departing from Mount Shasta

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Most of you are familiar with the active subculture of Gatekeeping and Gridwork. Details of this service work are typically kept quiet to avoid interference. You don’t hear much from Gatekeepers, except for the few Wayshowers who are guided to speak publicly about our activities. I understand why most Gatekeepers are […]

Timeline Shift: The Third Wave of 2016

Timeline Shift: The Third Wave of 2016

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, The energies for the September wave, our third amplification of 2016, are already arriving. To recap: The first wave (late December – January) was aimed at dissolving looping programs which interfered with HUman perception of the Shift in consciousness. These programs which kept people doing the same things, thinking the same […]

Unity Meditation Wednesday: Amplifying Highest Outcomes

Unity Meditation Wednesday: Amplifying Highest Outcomes

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Gatekeepers, Gridworkers and Lightworkers: We unite each Wednesday for a weekly Unity Meditation to assist with healing, empowering and balancing the HUman heart grid. Let us unite our collective intentions for peace, harmony and walking through this passage with ease and grace. We provide three windows each Wednesday to create collective triggers for the highest Ascension timelines. […]

Immaculate Perception: The Lens of the New Self

Immaculate Perception: The Lens of the New Self

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, As the second wave of 2016 levels out, we are able to breathe, regroup and adjust ourselves to this new level of light, and new level of Self. Much is revealed with these waves; the choices of our highest path, highest joy and highest integrity. Follow the energy, beloveds. The purpose […]

July Kickoff: A Week on the Mountain

July Kickoff: A Week on the Mountain

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, I will be offline/off grid for a week celebrating Ascended Master week on Mount Shasta. Traditionally, the energies pick up on the mountain during the first week of July; this is tied to the annual influx of light from the Mastery realm as they focus on the United States. Use these […]

Let the New Light Show You

Let the New Light Show You

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Let the New Light do its work. The energies shift as we leave the intensity of the Solstice passage over the next week. Much has been earned, learned and realized. Gateways are opening for much, much higher states of consciousness; new levels of empowerment, love and embodiment of your Higher Level Self. […]