Video: Embodiment Phase of Ascension

Video: Embodiment Phase of Ascension

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ A new video on the Embodiment Phase of our Ascension is now up on YouTube. A rich description and guidance on what Embodiment means and how it is changing the collective and Gaia. Downloadable audio version below this video. Please subscribe to the Ascension Path YouTube channel when you stop […]

The New Light and the Blood Moon Eclipse

The New Light and the Blood Moon Eclipse

Blessings Beloveds ~ We are deep in the powerful transformation of the Blood Moon eclipse, coming up on SUNday, January 20 at 9:12pm Pacific Time. Gatekeepers opened early on Thursday morning, and visions of the next Light level are presenting already. Energies may get intense; remember the grids have shifted so all is amplified. SUNday […]

Quantum Conversation: Monday January 14

Quantum Conversation: Monday January 14

Blessings Beloveds ~ We launch our big Blood Moon Eclipse week with a Quantum Conversation with Lauren Galey on the current Ascension dynamics, the NEW LIGHT of the organic timelines, what is unfolding for us in 2019, and more. We will be live on youtube at 3pm PT this day or you may listen in […]

Weekend Eclipse: Expect the New

Weekend Eclipse: Expect the New

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Our first Solar eclipse of 2019 is on Saturday at 5:41pm PT. We are unifying to assist Gaia in this *bump* in her magnetic core shift. Please meditate, engage in ceremony, spend quiet time in creative endeavors, call forth Divine Will, or visualize New Earth Now as often as possible […]

Happy Now Year: Launching the New Light

Happy Now Year: Launching the New Light

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
 Welcome to 2019! I AM sending you and your loved ones all the love, grace and miracles this brand new energy has to offer. This New Year’s Day marks a unique anniversary for me: Today I celebrate 20 years of sharing messages and guidance on Ascension! On January 1, 1999 […]

Core Shift in Gaia and Organic Timeline Restoration

Core Shift in Gaia and Organic Timeline Restoration

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Our sacred transformational passage is upon us, when deep collective and personal shifts may occur. The embodiment phase is bolstered by the cosmic flows, and this year’s deep cleansing provides the Divine revelation of the True Self for many. This download is long; it summarizes timeline shifts, migrating realities, and […]

New Moon Choice Point: Migrating Realities

New Moon Choice Point: Migrating Realities

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ New Moon Transition: A few days of deep introspection This morning I received some strong direction to PA– USE THE UPDATE on what is unfolding in December, and remind everyone to take advantage of the New Moon choice point. As excited as I AM to share the intel, the present […]

Gatekeeper Journal: November 2018

Gatekeeper Journal: November 2018

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Our collective trajectory shift is settling in – or rather, settling up. Sensations of the higher timeline and its accompanying opportunities and synchronicities are palpable. After a some wild energetic fluctuations last week, we enter the anticipated high-vibe support passage for the acceleration of our embodiment. Unfoldments from this shift […]

Preparing for Another Trajectory Shift

Preparing for Another Trajectory Shift

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ The unified collective intent and ceremony of the 11.11 portal brought massive influxes of Crystalline Photonic light codes. Our Gateways are wide open, and adjustments made for the trajectory shift set for November 21-25, with November 22 as our focal point. We are in its pull already, and this month […]

Glow-Ray-Us Expansion: Unification in the Now

Glow-Ray-Us Expansion: Unification in the Now

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ A Glow-Ray-Us sacred November passage to all. Our Crystalline DNA is returning to its natural state, with our intention and conscious activation. The self-imposed veils drop, and the freedom this November influx brings to our hearts and creations is underway. Higher choices, trusting the path, and boldly crossing the bridge […]