Aligning with 2020 Energies: Responsible New Earth Now

Blessings Beloveds ~

[Note: This series of articles are from the Aligning with the 2020 Energies Ebook.]

Have the Courage to be in New Earth Mode, Now.

Make this a morning practice after meditation: Take a few minutes to FEEL, visualize and rehearse your desired reality. Let it flow, really expand what is possible for your path. Smile, breathe and feel New Earth Now, allow the Freedom codes to activate (note: this is how you unlock them!)

Spend some time visualizing with gratitude, compassion and forgiveness the highest positive outcome for all concerned.

Then take action, and mix up your day to open up to a New vibrational reality. Act as if your highest chosen experience is Now; no delays. Practice this and your realities will follow. All thoughts are created on some level, seen or unseen. We manifest the highest vibration through our Heart, and allow the realities to reveal our co-creation.

We literally overwrite lesser vibrations with these heart-based intentions and actions. And we are getting good at it; we see and feel it in the SUNday Unity Meditations!

Have the courage to express the Higher Self as we take on these new levels of Source-Self. Infuse this passage and holidays with joyous unity, abundance and creativity. Rehearse the feeling of peace and the higher trajectory, then send it out through the HUman heart grid to support others and co-create on the quantum level.

Be a Responsible Creator. When enough Christed DNA is activated and integrated, we collectively level up. We co-create with the planet, kingdoms, elementals and higher realms. We are woven back into the fabric of the cosmic consciousness. It allows Gaia to reveal the Ascended New Earth as an already present, palpable reality.
– Use the tools in this series to align with positive creation
– Embrace our unique differences which separated us in the past
– We sharpen our skills when we soften our hearts
– Look through the eyes of the heart; create with heart intelligence
– Gift yourself with the self-empowered right to feel safe, loved, joyful, complete, worthy, confident and 2020 clear.
– Attune your eyes and heart to find Love in every moment; it is eternal and ever-present.

Receive the complete Aligning with the 2020 Energies free Ebook HERE.
This Ebook was released on November 22. Subscribe to be the first to receive all new content HERE.

In Love, Light and Service,

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About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.