Why I deleted 8,000 people from my LightLetter list

A new policy on group/bulk email was implemented in April by free email providers like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.

Senders of your favorite newsletters had to follow new authentication parameters. Even with authentication, email (both bulk and personal) started going to the trash/spam/promo filters.

Here’s the catch … the AI scanning your incoming emails makes a decision for you; either the email is safe, or it isn’t. That choice depends on your interaction with the emails (opens and clicks), and the overall engagement of the collective list.

Content is scanned for certain words: free, join us, newsletter, live event, anything they don’t like…

We had 40,000 LightLetter subscribers in March. Newsletter services warned us to take the new authentication steps, and CLEAN OUR LISTS before April, or many would be sent to spam/trash without the receiver even knowing.

Deliverability of the whole list (list health) depends on trimming everyone who doesn’t engage (open or click) for 3 months or more.

I cut 8,000 people, and keep a clean list so that many more receive the LightLetter. My list tends to grow quickly (good content keeps folks engaged), so I stay focused on the collective delivery rather than numbers.

Most of the deleted subscribers are Gmail accounts, the most controlled email service. Yahoo & Hotmail auto-unsubscribed many.  If you think folks aren’t answering your emails, or your favorite subscriptions aren’t showing up in your inbox … it’s not them, it’s your inbox.

If you can’t switch to private paid email, fight for your inbox! Check filters, maintain safe lists. Teach AI filters thru engagement.

Another issue looming in our trajectory … the inevitable mass migration off censored platforms. When that moment comes, or if our accounts get shut down, direct email will be our lifeline.

The LightLetter has kept us in touch for over 20 years. It’s a way to freely share our experiences, events, and guidance that controlled platforms may see as a threat, or deem unsuitable for your inbox.

Have you missed the weekly LightLetter, or other free subscriptions you love?

> Check your filters, move them to inbox, open and click on something for engagement, and add them to your safe senders list.

> Resubscribe if you don’t see them in your filters or folders. Watch for the opt-in email.

> Get a paid private email service. Don’t operate your busy-ness from Gmail.

> Have patience with senders; if you’re a confirmed subscriber, the rest is up to you.

The new LightLetter launches this month with more content, tools, and special events exclusive to the list. It is delivered every Thursday.  Sign up at https://www.AscensionPath.com

In Love, Light and Service,


About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.